The Bush Tax has raised your local taxes and is forwarding a debt onto the next generation.
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at: Bush's borrow and spend policy is a fiscal wreck.
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The Bush Tax: How Much Is It Costing You?
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Rather than take responsibility for our common future, Bush has shifted costs to states and communities, who then pass them on to you. Across the country, people are seeing their property taxes skyrocket. State college tuition at 4-year schools has increased this year by an average of $579 nationwide. Half a million children have been deprived of health coverage. States and local government have cut vital services, and we're all having to pay more for less. That's the Bush Tax.
Bush is largely to blame for the fiscal crisis that has forced states and communities to raise taxes and slash services. According to the non-partisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), "A conservative estimate suggests that federal policies are costing states and localities about $185 billion over the four-year course of the state fiscal crisis." Bush has shifted health costs to states and forced states to pay for unfunded mandates for homeland security, election reform, and No Child Left Behind. As a result, states and communities have had no choice but to raise taxes and cut services. That's the Bush Tax. (For details, see the link below to the CBPP report.)
Our children and grandchildren will be paying the Bush Tax. Bush promised, "I came to this office to solve problems and not pass them on to future presidents and future generations." Yet as a direct consequence of his tax policy, over six years an American family of four will take on $52,000 more in its share of the national debt. That's the Bush Tax.
The Bush Tax is huge -- many times greater than most people's tax refunds. We'll be paying the Bush Tax for decades, and so will our children and grandchildren.
As President, Howard Dean will repeal the Bush Tax. He will provide genuine relief to the states through his Fund to Restore America and restore sound fiscal management of the nation's finances.>>
Read this at: AND
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) Report: “Federal Policies Contribute to the Severity of the State Fiscal Crisis,”
Dec. 3, 2003
<<Federal policies are affecting states in a number of ways:
The federal government has placed an assortment of demands and requirements on state and local governments without adequately funding them. These so-called unfunded mandates include requirements in the area of homeland security, election reform, education of disabled children, and the No Child Left Behind law. The National Conference of State Legislatures has estimated that these unfunded mandates are costing states and localities somewhere between $23 and $82 billion a year. States will spend at least $80 billion meeting unfunded mandates during the four years of the state fiscal crisis.>>
Read more of the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) Report at: