To clarify (so I don't run afoul of any rules). I do not support Republicans and do not support this one. I just thought a look at someone who might syphon off * votes might be interesting. Hampshire Under Siege
Who Is Republican Blake Ashby? Print Friendly Format
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By Shawn Macomber
Published 1/14/2004 12:06:00 AM
NEW HAMPSHIRE -- Covering the primary up here in this subzero battleground state, I've done a fair number of radio interviews. Callers ask if the primary race is really as absurd as it looks on television. I relay funny stories from the campaign trail, and we all have a good laugh at the expense of the Dems.
That was the routine until late last week, anyway, when lighthearted ribbing of liberals gave way to white-hot anger at President Bush, after his recent push for de facto "not an amnesty" amnesty for illegal immigrants. I took dozens of calls and was overwhelmed by the enormity and ferocity of the response.
The question was no longer "Is Clark the anti-Dean?" but, "Will a Buchanan come forward to challenge Bush?" "Betrayal" was an oft-used term. At a weekend college politics conference, forlorn-looking young Republicans with "Bush-Cheney" buttons on asked me who else was on the Republican ballot?
A while back someone spotted this guy Ashley running against *. I signed up for his e-mail newsletter to see what all was up. Of course, he's never going to get my vote :)