I am not deadset on anyone yet, but I'm leaning mostly towards Kerry for a number of reasons.
But I come here because General Discussion is too vicious for me. You get that here too, but not quite as much. Plus, GD goes so fast that you have to practically live online in order to maintain your participation in a particular discussion. Here, a topic will hang around for several days, maybe weeks.
I started off really excited about Dean - back when he first went before Russert on MTP. He sounded good. His attitude towards civil unions and health care really impressed me. He was also one of the first folks to really hammer on Bush, and it just sounded so good to our ears, to finally have someone speaking what was in our hearts about this imposter in the White House.
But he went harshly negative against the other Dems, and frequently, he had his facts wrong. And when he didn't have his facts wrong, he implied things that simply weren't true, like that the Senators voted FOR Bush's big tax cut this year because they voted to LIMIT the tax cuts to $350bn. So I was starting to doubt him, and then with the "I suppose that's a good thing", my jaw dropped. I think maybe that line exemplifies for me Howard Dean. He is so single minded in his focus that he can't even see anyone else's viewpoint, or at least he won't admit anyone else has a good point to make. That's simply ridiculous. More and more I started to see his *attitude* as being more like George Bush. Arrogant, stubborn as in "I am right, I know best, and when I make the decision, you will all SEE just how right I am."
I want a leader in the White House. By leader, I don't mean someone who will take us in a direction and we HAVE to follow because we have no other choice (sorta like folks lining up behind W. after 9/11 because he was the only president we had). I want someone who can present an honest and thought out position and convince us all that this is the best way to go.
Like when I see those "United We Stand" bumper stickers around here (colorado springs) - I want to tell those people that UNITED means that we all really do AGREE on our direction, not that we unite behind a direction we doubt just to stay united - that's not strength.
I think all of the candidates bring something positive to the table and to the discussions. There are a few I don't want to have as president - Dean is one of them - because of his arrogance. Gephardt because I don't want the entire tax cut reversed simply to pay for health insurance 60% or more of which we already have. Lieberman I don't want because I can't stand his voice, and therefore don't listen to him long enough to really hear his positions. The most powerful country in the world CAN'T be led by someone who sounds like he's whining all the time.
I really liked listening to Dennis Kucinich talk before he started to run for President. Now, all I can hear is how the country is in NO WAY ready for the things that he wants, and some of them, I am not ready for either. In many ways I am much more realistic than I am idealistic. His anti-business rhetoric grates on me. Not all business people are Ken Lay. Many of them are hard working folks who took a risk and started their own businesses and work really hard and were lucky enough to have them suceed. I don't hate business people. Nor do I think they are responsible for everything that we want to have and do in this country.
I lean towards Kerry because I think he has the mental agility to juggle all of the various needs this country has. I don't think he'll focus on one particular thing to the detriment of all other needs or issues. I think he is willing and able to learn from those who are expert, and then assimilate the information to form his own judgements and opinions. I think his military past - both medal earning in country in Nam and his anti-war activities after coming home represent that balance that we need in the White House right now - someone who knows what it is like to engage militarily, but understands too that sometimes it is necessary.
I think Kerry understands that part of our insane foreign policy with regard to the Middle East has to do with our energy dependence on ME oil. I think he realizes that more exploration and development in this country is only putting off for a few years the inevitable - that we HAVE to develop alternate sources of energy. I think he realizes that the way to really address affirmative action and racial disparaties in this country is to fix things at the early child hood level. I love his proposals for service.
Hmm. I sound more convinced than I said, huh? Maybe I am.
One of the reasons I come here is because I am trying to understand the Dean phenomenon. I do understand relating to the anger at the Bush administration and some of the horrible policies he has put into place. I also understand hating with a passion Bush's march to war. I can relate to the anger. What mystifies me is why people seem to think that what they want to replace Bush is someone who is that angry. I mean, Bush got a huge amount of his support from people who HATED Clinton, and he has run the country with an "ABC" (Anything but Clinton") attitude. I think Dean would do the same thing - only Anything But Bush. As Bush focused obsessively on Tax Cuts - I fear Dean will focus obsessively on balanced budgets. Both have their merits, and neither is the ultimate panacea to what's ailing us right now.
What I want more than anything is to have a President next term who truly can unite this country - we are split so badly, with so much anger and vitriol, that I think we need someone who can heal us. And I don't see that being Howard Dean. I think he is playing off the split in this country, and would damage us further with his angry partisanship. I do believe in that "United We Stand", I just think we need someone who can provide the leadership so that we CAN stand united behind him (or her).