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Kucinich: This Will Go to Convention

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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 07:22 PM
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Kucinich: This Will Go to Convention

Kucinich: This Will Go to Convention
January 19, 2004

Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich had been showing at 3 percent in the polls in Iowa, but topped 15 percent or more in many precincts in order to win 1.3 percent of the total delegates. Had he failed to top a surprising 15 percent, Kucinich would have finished with zero delegates as expected. The polls did little better at predicting the results for the other candidates in the Iowa caucuses, and tonight's results may have raised more questions than they answered about the final outcome of the Democratic nominating process.

"This is the beginning of the campaign," said Kucinich. "We've got 49 states left to go. The media had long ago predicted the winner of the entire process and even the loser of the general election, and tonight's caucuses have the pundits scratching their collective scalps in bewilderment. I moved from ninth place to fifth and won delegates despite the 15 percent threshold.

"The longtime poll leader dropped to third, which some pundits are erroneously crediting to Dr. Dean's status as an anti-war candidate. Dr. Dean did not consistently oppose the initial stages of this war and he has said that he will keep our troops in Iraq for years.

"As I climb higher in New Hampshire and each successive state, and as the situation in Iraq continues to worsen, Democratic support for peace will be reflected in my campaign's success. I predict a brokered convention in July. By the end of this month my campaign will have raised over $10 million, including matching funds, and I'm just getting started.

"As part of my strategy in the Iowa caucuses, I worked out an arrangement with Senator Edwards that may have allowed each of us to pick up a few more delegates. Our supporters, of course, ultimately chose their own courses of action. But none were left with their only strategic choice being leaving their caucus and going home. John and I are friends and I wish him the best. But we have 49 states left to go, and we're each on our own."

For more information:

For Congressman Kucinich's Schedule:

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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 03:37 AM
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1. indeed
I agree with my prior post!
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surfermaw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:32 AM
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2. Dennis is a fine person and candidate
I am an Edwards supporter,but will support the nominee, no matter who he is. I also liked Dennis but thought he would have a hard time getting elected. I will never forget Dennis K, and his thoughts on helping the nation and the people in the nation who need help. I think he has a pure heart. I firmly beleive we will see a great more of Dennis even if he fails to win the nomination.
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Lydia Leftcoast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 01:31 PM
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3. If New Hampshire turns out differently than Iowa
and South Carolina is different yet, then yes, it definitely WILL go to convention, and anyone who has any delegates will be courted by the other contenders.
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