Has never fought for anyone or anything but Howard Dean. THere is no record of him supporting anyone or any social plan in his history as governor, but of spending all of his efforts as governor in attempting to cut all social programs, and cut budgets to medicaid and other social prorgrams, he opposed gay marraige and so opted out for civil unions, killing the legislation that those with real courage in the Vt Legislature put forth to provide gay marriage, risking their political careers. Dean played it safe. Deans history as Governor is noted by many Vt Progressives and Liberal Demcrats,
No one said it better than these people:
Howard Dean: the Progressive Anti-War Candidate?
Some Vermonters Give Their ViewsI know that a lot of you are going to vote for Dean -- he talks a good game; he can be charismatic and charming. But I'm warning you. This man will tell you what you want to hear, or at least tell you something that has some little kernel of something that you can interpret as support for the things that are important to you. But when the time comes to stand up and lead on the issue, to take on the money interests and backsliders in his own party, that stiff little spine will turn into a slinky.
If you vote for him, it's your job to stand behind him with a poker and keep him headed in the right direction. Don't give him any honeymoon period, either--keep the pressure on from the second you drop that ballot in the box. The minute you relax, he's going to turn right back into what he really is...a privileged, arrogant, middle of the road republican. Put your political energy into getting some truly progressive folks into the House and Senate, and into State legislatures around the country so that there will be more pressure from more directions. We need to get together our sophisticated progressive thinkers to develop policy ideas in every area, so that we're ready with real, well-thought out counter-proposals for the incremental changes a Dean administration might put forth. If you feel you must, support Dean, do--but then go do the work necessary to make real change.
http://www.counterpunch.org/jacobs08292003.htmlAnd if you want an accessment of Dean political leaning from his closest advisor, who has advised him politically for 30 year:
It’s Business As Usual, Starring HOWARD DEAN"The joke among a lot of Vermont Republicans was that they didn't need to run anyone for governor because they basically had one in office already," said Harlan Sylvester, a conservative Democratic stockbroker and longtime adviser to Dean.
(St. Petersburg Times, July 6, 2003)
http://www.optimalprime.org/archives/001435.htmlDean has done a clever job convicining people to vote for him.
Especially clever was his finding a means of appealing to new voters, but convincing them that he supports the thing most imprtant to them.
But there is absolutely no evidence from Deans entire career as governor, lt governor and before that indicates that ther is any possibility that Dean will actually follow though with even one element of his campaign platform.
It is this alone that caused Iowa to do a rapid turn from Dean, as evidences of his past performace were compared to his campaign speechs, as well as evidence being presented of his repeated failure to follow through on campaign promises.
This is what is happening in New Hampshire now, with Deans polling numbers falling daily, and those of other candidates rising, as the truth of Dean actions as governor is reported in the local papers for the public to examine, and compare to Deans words.
Dean needs a massive win in New Hampshire to sustain his campaign. A small win will not do it.