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Economic charts against SOTU tag lines - I think Bush loses!

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:03 PM
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Economic charts against SOTU tag lines - I think Bush loses!

The Federal government spends about $2 trillion each year, and above the budget deficit is the difference between spending and receipts from taxes - now deeply into the red despite the recession ending 11/01, and despite increased military spending and homeland security spending being but a minor part of the total deficit - can we say tax cuts are the problem?

Unemployment fell sharply during the 1990s economic boom, but under Bush and after the recession ended 11/01 it still went up hitting 6.4% by mid 2003, with the rate only falling as folks totally give up and are no longer counted as looking for work.

The US imports more goods than it exports, with the difference called the merchandise trade balance, which is the amount that foreign investors must fund by lending money to the US. Bush's economy worries those investors so they are starting to withdraw funds from the US, thus lowering the value of the dollar

Against the above we have Bush tag lines to cover the continuing deaths in Iraq, and some optimistic hype that jobs are just around the corner!

Does the media wonder why Bush is falling in the polls?

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junker Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:19 PM
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1. papau-san, it is either 'Prosperity is just around the corner', or
'happy days are here again'. Take your pick that is all the repubs are singing these days.....

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