It hasn't occurred to me until now, but I think this was Dean's attempt to make that kind of speech. I don't think he is a nut, in fact I still think Dean is one of the brightest guys running...so why did he do it?
I think some of it has to do with that alpha-male personality, and the highs and lows of the campaign. Dean was doing all that he could to avoid what might appear to be a concession speech, instead he gave a speech to boost moral and to show he wasn't done yet. But when Clinton made his speech, he looked like a nice puppy, waging his tail and eager to come for the ride. Dean looked somewhat different...to say the least, and one could say that his speech has had the reverse effect that it was meant to have.
It didn't shock me personally, I saw Dean do this once before at a crowded celebration in New York City. This was the first time I saw Dean let loose, and it really shocked me then!!! But after the first two or three times, you stop noticing it and realize that every individual has a different speaking method. Dean grew up in New York City, just as Clinton grew up in Hope, Arkansas. This doesn't mean one is better than the other, but it does reflect some difference in their personalities.