Bush the 'Deserter' Friday, January 23, 2004
George W. Bush's sketchy military record has finally surfaced as a campaign issue in 2004. It came out in last night's debate in New Hampshire, when Peter Jennings had the following exchange with Gen. Wesley Clark:<snip> has been fully substantiated... back when Bush performed his little flyboy stunt on the USS Lincoln. To recap: he reality is that what we know about his record now should be considered a scandal, and should have been since it was uncovered during the campaign.<snip> Joe Conason has already noted, Bush actually falsified this aspect of his service in his ghost-written autobiography, A Charge to Keep, describing his pilot's training in some detail, then concluding: ''I continued flying with my unit for the next several years." In fact, Bush was suspended from flying 22 months after he completed his training -- a period that does not even generously fit Bush's description.<snip> the Boston Globe story that in many respects was the most serious effort by anyone in the mainstream media to examine the issue...this rationalization, of course, begs the question: What if anyone else had pulled such a stunt?<snip>
For what it's worth, Michael Moore has an extended response up today, including a specific response to Jennings...Moore also has a compendium of information on the issue.
Of course, I also strongly recommend anyone interested in the matter to review the hard information available at Martin Heldt's Web site, /
which includes the results of his numerous FOIA requests. catches Wolf Blitzer being a journalistic nitwit on this very subject.
A note: Bush's status technically was Absent Without Leave (AWOL), which is not precisely the same as desertion. Moore uses the term, as Bob Somerby notes, as a term of art, but it is not definitively correct. cross-posted on the american street and our kos daily diary (with a great poll, go take it!)----that skippy link Wolf/AWOL is worth a read IMHO!