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Bush says Never said IRAQ was "IMMINENT THREAT"-&media doesn't say mislead

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 10:02 AM
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Bush says Never said IRAQ was "IMMINENT THREAT"-&media doesn't say mislead

Facing mounting pressure over charges that the White House deliberately misled the American people about Iraq's WMD, President Bush is now claiming that U.N. weapons inspectors were not allowed into Iraq before the war.

Yesterday, the pesident said, Iraq "chose defiance. It was
choice to make, and he did not let us in." But U.N. weapons inspections led by Hans Blix began on November 27th, 2003, As noted by the State Department at the time. Over the course of the next
five months, those inspections found "little more than 'debris'" from a WMD program that had long since been destroyed. The weapons inspectors were forced to leave when Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. President Bush then "refused to permit the U.N. inspectors to return to Iraq."

When asked about the issue yesterday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan claimed the entire WMD issue was unimportant because the Bush Administration had never said Iraq was a threat. He said, "the media have chosen to use the word 'imminent'" to describe the Iraqi "threat" - not the Bush Administration.

But the record shows the Administration repeatedly said Iraq was an
"imminent threat." On May 7th, less than a week after the president
announced the end of major combat operations, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer was asked, "Didn't we go to war because we said WMD were a direct and imminent threat to the U.S.?" He replied, "Absolutely." Similarly, in November 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, "I would look you in the eye and I would say, go back before September 11 and ask yourself this question: Was the attack that took place on September 11 an imminent
threat the month before or two months before or three months before or six months before? When did the attack on September 11 become an imminent threat? Now, transport yourself forward a year, two years or a week or a month...So the question is, when is it such an immediate threat that you must do something?" Most notably, Vice President Cheney said two days after President Bush's 2003 State of the Union that Saddam Hussein "threatens the United States of America."

I see that Condi on this AM'a Today show said Saddam bad and would become a threat but we never said "imminent" so our hands are free of blood - to paraphrase her.

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phillybri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 10:04 AM
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1. It was November of 2002...
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gWbush is Mabus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 10:10 AM
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2. now we know the real reason Ari left
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DS1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 10:13 AM
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3. Bush and 'the Administration' are two seperate entities according to them
and the media. Just like Bush's nasty campaign against McCain in SC, Bush didn't say it, someone said the things on his behalf, so he's completely innocent, get it?

/dripping sarcasm
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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 10:18 AM
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4. 'he said, she said'
I love Rummy's logic. Repeat 'September 11' incessantly and we can attack anywhere the hell we want to.
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Martin Eden Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 11:15 PM
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5. David Corn on the "Imminent Threat"
How Soon Is Now?

David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation, is the author of The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception (Crown Publishers).

Is it a sign of desperation that Bush's pro-war colleagues have taken to defending the president's push for war by relying on a 12-word sentence from his State of the Union address? Just as war opponents pointed to a 16-word passage from that speech (in which Bush suggested without good cause that Iraq was shopping for uranium in Africa) to challenge Bush's assertion that Saddam Hussein posed a WMD-related threat, Bush's advocates are using another sentence in that address to claim that Bush never said he was taking this country to war because Hussein was an imminent threat.

In a high-profile speech in Cincinnati on October 7, 2002, Bush said, "Iraq could decide on any given day to provide a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist group or individual terrorists." On the campaign trail, he depicted Hussein as a direct threat to Americans, and he noted, "We must do everything we can to disarm this man before he hurts a single American." (Note he did not say, before he is able to hurt a single American.) After a terrorist blast killed 180 people in Bali, Indonesia, Bush announced that Hussein wanted to deploy Al Qaeda as his own "forward army" against the West. At a November 7 press conference, Bush said, "If we don't do something he might attack us, and he might attack us with a more serious weapon. The man is a threat.... He's a threat because he is dealing with Al Qaeda." (At the time, CIA analysts had concluded that Hussein was not likely to attack the United States unless he was struck first.)

Even if Bush did not use the I-word he sure made it seem as if the threat from Iraq was a clear and present—right now. A surprise attack. A WMD handoff "on any given day." Deploying Al Qaeda as his own private army. It all added up to a gunning-for-us-now threat. And when the war was nearly at hand, Bush held a press conference on March 6, 2003, and said, "Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people." A reporter asked Bush why other nations did not believe the threat from was "so real, so imminent." Bush did not take issue with this characterization. He replied, "I think the threat is real."

Bush depicted the threat from a WMD-loaded, Al Qaeda-aiding Hussein as immediate. If what Bush said had been true—that Hussein was sitting on a gigantic arsenal of ready-to-go WMD and was in an operational alliance with Al Qaeda—there would have been a good case for swift action. But the intelligence did not support these key assertions. And if the threat was not imminent, why did Bush refuse to consider investing another five weeks or five months in more intrusive and aggressive inspections? He could have argued that the inspections process would not work. But if Hussein was no imminent threat there was time to try. Bush's statements and his approach sent a strong signal: there was not a moment to waste. He pushed the nation to war by pushing the threat from Hussein. The available evidence does not back up his prewar assertions, and 12 words from one speech do not change that.

read the full article:
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MikeG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 12:44 PM
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6. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
Reminds me of Orwell's "1984".
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ngGale Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-03-04 02:01 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Orwell's "1984" can't even compare with what I think is..
next on the agenda from the Bush Bunch. If people only knew part of what is going on it would be enough to swing that vote...
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