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Bush camp said to fear Edwards over Kerry

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surfermaw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:33 PM
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Bush camp said to fear Edwards over Kerry
According to insiders with President Bush's campaign, knocking down Democrats front runner Sen. John Kerry now could help ignite the candidacy of someone campaign officials fear even more: NC.Sen,John Edwards.

A recent poll showed Edwards with a slight lead in South Carolina's key primary Tuesday, and he holds a strong appeal elsewhere in the South, which was Bush Country in 2000.

Some Bush campaign advisers worry that Edwards,promise to end what the candidate charges are the "two Americas"-one for the wealthy and priviledged and the other for working people and the poor-could have broad appeal. Bush operatives also mindful that in Edwards' 1998 election,about six in 10 women backed him,and black voters supported him by a 9-to 1 margin

Associated Press.
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pnziii Donating Member (168 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:36 PM
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1. They are messing with your mind
Come on
They said Dean would be an easy win. Why did they attack him so much.

They say they are afraid of Edwards and hardly bother to attack him

They are trying to confuse the masses.
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gWbush is Mabus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:39 PM
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stick with the passion
we need change in America

vote Dean!
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colonel odis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:48 PM
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3. who cares what bush campaign insiders think?
about the only candidate they haven't said bush is afraid to run against, then turned around and said they're dying for bush to run against is hubert humphrey
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leesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:49 PM
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4. I think the opposite is true. They are choosing this candidate for us
because they know he is very much part of the status quo in DC. He will NEVER investigate Bush and his crimes. He will NEVER investigate 9-11. He will NEVER end corporate control of our government because he is part of it. He takes lots of money from corporations. He foolishly voted twice to give Bush the right to wage war wherever and whenever he wanted to. He refused to stand up against the theft of election 2000. He is part of the corrupt government we are battling.

They also know that he will be easy to criticize for being wishy-washy, because he changes his mind depending on which way the political winds blow. He will be easy to oppose.

Don't let the GOP choose our candidate for us once again!
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sungkathak Donating Member (65 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 08:02 PM
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5. The tactic to Choose one pro-war
Whatever they talked about economy, immigrant, medicine..... The main point of choosing candidates is. Pro or anti war.

Because inside group needs more war in Mid-east, they make the candidates mostly pro-war one.

Bush is a war president. There is no doubt. He is designated for a second term.

The leading four candidates of Democratic are all pro-war (or at least, obedient to the will of inside group). Kerry, Lieberman, Edwards, Gephardt. They all voted for authorizing Iraq war power to President Bush. Gephardt is the one who introduced the War Authorization Bill. Lieberman, Edwards were the hardest supporters of that bill. The three were hard supporters of Iraq war and honest followers of inside group. Even though they knew most of their constituents are against Iraq war. Now to try to win the chair of Demo President candidate, they changed their face that they are against Bush's Iraq war policy. That's very hypocrite and is almost an open lie.

Most people realize this and go for Howard Dean. To block Dean, inside group threw out Wesley Clark because he has no vote record. You can see the gang of four gathered up fire on Dean but avoid to touch Clark. This is the tactic how inside group to choose their favorite candidate. Follow this line, you can see the reality through the cover up smoke. Whatever they show you of scandal, poll rate..... And surely there will be more to come.

As for Clark who tries to defeat Dean by stealing his anti-war idea, I think he is an insider working for intelligence for a long time. Under his commander he had helped FBI fulfilled two big events. In Waco slaughter and bombing Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia.

See story in: "193. Bombing Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia" and "194. D.o.D. worked for D.o.J. (1/6)" at:

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