What is this so called "war on terror"? Is it something we really have
to miss "Simpsons" for? Obviously not!
I mean, look at the news these days. It has been now proven beyond
doubt, that it is Pakistan's entire military (and the current ruling
dictator Musharaf), who were responsible for blatently selling nukes
to Iran, North Korea and Libya, in exchange for billions of dollars of
oil money and ICBM missile technology (from North Korea), AND *trying*
to sell nukes to Iraq!... And the good ol' USA politicians tell us
that Pakistan's Musharaf is decent upstanding and honest little man,
but Saddam who's only terrible mistake was not to grab the nukes that
Mushaaraf was peddling around the globe in return fot other trinkets,
is a dirty incarnate of satan!!
Why? Because obviously, a lot of powerful people knew all along, that
Pakistan's sole lucrative export business, was peddling nukes! The
same nukes that China graciously gave Pakistan, under the approving
smile of the various US administrations starting from Reagan. Iraq in
the meantime, made the blunder of not spending a little money to buy
these nukes which Pakistan was so graciously offering, with a kickback
to certain sorces in "other" countries.
Let's cut all the nonsense about these nuke's being sold by "rogue
scientists". Anyone who believes that tripe, should have half the IQ
of Holmer Simpson. How does one smuggle tons of Uranium, centrifuges
and half built nukes aboard a civillian airliner? I can see the
Pakistani "rogue scientists" explaining this to customs: "Oh, that
little thing? That's just a dis-assembled toaster. You see, I just
like assembling toasters in Libya... Takes my mind off the heat..."
We all know that Pakistan created the Al'Qaeda and the Taliban, with
support from various US administrations - Initially to attack Soviet
Union, and later on, as a tool to keep Asia in particular and the
world in general under threat and instability of terrorism. We also
know that China's supply of nukes and technology to Pakistan, and
Pakistan's supply of nukes to every terrorist nation from Libya to
North Korea was least of all, even the secret of a 5-year old. Every
nation especially the US adminstrations knew this for more than 25
years. A few nations repeatedly warned USA about this... But all they
got in return, was a lot of snickering and giggling.
So here is a nation, who's very current military dictators and ruling
establishment not only built such famous terror organizations like
Al'Qaeda, Taliban, Chechnyan terrorists, Kashmiri terrorists, etc from
a large common resource pool of millions of crazed "jihadis", but also
obtained nukes from China and promptly peddled them accross the world
to every like-minded crazed dictartor. And Pakistan not only gets
praised by the Bush crew, but also gets handed about a billion dollars
of money for no apparent reason, other than the fact that Bush thinks
Musharaf "is jolly good fellow"???!!
So, we come back to this "WMD in Iraq", and this "War on terror" and
all these bells and whistles and related hysteria regarding
"terrorists" and "WMD" and "fingerprinting unwhite or unrich
foreigners and then eventually, every US citizen", and all other such
nonsense... Is it not all a big joke on the normal citizen, just so
some people can screw the taxpayer and build themselves sweet little
retirement fortunes?
And for those who still think 9/11 was the work of "Iraquis", there is
more to come:
http://www.washtimes.com/world/20031021-112804-8451r.htmhttp://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=13383107http://www.fas.org/irp/world/pakistan/isi/punjab.htmlhttp://www.ict.org.il/articles/articledet.cfm?articleid=99On a side note, I thought it was rather hilarious to hear Musharaf and
the US officials thunder how that "rogue scientist" has been well and
truely punished: i.e. He has basically been asked to take his 800
million odd dollars and go home to his mansion by the beach, with his
20 wives, 50 limos and 20 cruise boats and his personal helicopter....
Yeah, that should teach him a lesson... Seeing as what the punishent
is, NO terrorist or nation will now dare to sell nukes to other