Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 11:10 PM by flaminbats
If John Kerry wins in New Hampshire, then he will remain the front-runner to be defeated. But if John Kerry comes in second, then whoever wins in New Hampshire will become the front-runner for Kerry to beat. New Hampshire is Dean's last hope for victory, if he wins or comes in a very close second...he will re-establish himself as the front-runner. But if he comes in a distant second or even third, his chances of being nominated are essentially dead!
This is where a Wes Clark or a John Edwards would need to focus, because only by knocking Dean out of second place will enable one of them be to become competitive. With victories in the southern primaries, one of these two candidates could easily replace Kerry as the front-runner. But if both of these candidates comes in third or worse, then they will be unable to compete effectively outside of the southern primaries.
So what are your predictions for tomorrow, and what will be the consequences of the New Hampshire primary?