A New Democrat Battle Plan
From and Reed begin by emphasizing how high the stakes are for the country in 2004. "The 2004 isn't just a choice between two parties; it's a choice between two centuries. The outcome will tell us whether the 21st century will be another American Century, blessed with broad prosperity and an expanding middle class at home, and the projection of American strength and democratic values abroad. Or it will tell us we're returning to an America of privilege and exploitation like the latter part of the 19th century."
The battle plan for keeping America moving ahead is based on some advice former President Bill Clinton offered at a recent DLC gathering for how to beat an incumbent president -- as he did in 1992: "This is not rocket science. In 1992, I said: 'Look, I'll have a strong America, we'll represent your values, we'll be strong on crime, we'll be for preparing work over welfare. By the way, we'll bring the American economy back, we'll do it in a way that preserves the environment, we'll move more poor people into the middle class.' The message was, we'll give you what you like about the other guys, and we'll give you the things that they won't give you."
"The key to victory," conclude From and Reed, "is to keep those angry Democrats energized and to appeal to swing voters -- moderates, independents, and even some Republicans -- who like President Bush but could be convinced to replace him with a Democrat."