I haven't seen this on DU today! Of course it wasn't publicized till late Fri!
"ST. LOUIS – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin testified before an independent investigator Friday about allegations she abused her powers during a long-running personnel controversy that has now distracted from her Republican vice presidential campaign. Palin waved but did not speak to reporters when she arrived at a Missouri hotel for her deposition, scheduled to last two hours before a lawyer from the Alaska Personnel Board. The board is investigating whether Palin abused her powers by firing her public safety commissioner.
The commissioner claims he was dismissed because he refused to fire Palin's former brother-in-law, a state trooper involved in a messy divorce from Palin's sister. The scandal, known as "Troopergate," took on national significance after John McCain selected Palin as his running mate.snip"
"Although the legislative report issued a stinging rebuke of Palin's conduct, it carried no penalty. It's up to the personnel board to decide whether Palin violated the law. She filed a complaint against herself to launch the investigation after accusing the legislative inquiry of becoming partisan. Unlike the Legislature, the personnel board is run by officials that Palin can fire.
"Gov. Palin looks forward to meeting with Mr. Petumenos today and hopes that this investigation will provide the public with the facts in this matter," McCain-Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton said."
Seems like none of this will carry any penalty. WTF?