Repukes re-started the rumors that she wasn't really running for the Senate ... She was running for the White House. A lot of cries went out demanding that she declare that she wasn't running for President. Despite her denials, Repukes still pushed that talking point.
(actually, they had pushed that talking point in 1991, when Bill threw his hat in the ring ... and then all through the 90s, saying that she was really the one in charge, and Bill was the "socially acceptable" front; can't have a woman being President)
After she promised that she would serve out her full term as Senator of New York, they were still saying that she was running for Pres 2000.
Then, the Repukes were saying that she was running in 2004, undermining any other Dem candidate ... Dean's favorite, and torpedoing Kerry. That was the line that the Repukes wanted the world to believe.
Finally, for once, the Repukes get it right ... Hillary filed to run for 2008. Immediately, she was undermining/torpedoing every other Dem candidate. Then she was, according to Repukes, torpedoing Obama's run. (Whether it was her or the new nasty word, "surrogates", whom apparently no Repuke ever had ...)
And now, you have Sarah Palin ... failed VP candidate ... (not that anybody actually elected her to that position) ... Alaskan "Governor" ...
The so-called "liberal media" is failing to point out that she isn't bothering doing her job of Governor ... (won't it be getting to the point soon that travel TO Alaska will be quite limited?)
All the talk now is ... Is she going to take over Stevens' seat, should he get kicked out? (Oops, that might not be a point soon)
Is she going to run for the Senate in 2010?
Is she going to run for President in 2012?
(unasked question ... is she going to lead the fight to have Alaska secede from the U.S.?)
and all the fuss that went on about how "Obama only worked X days in the Senate" (despite the fact that the first two years of his Senatorial career, the Repukes made sure that they worked the least amount of time in modern history) ...
Is she even going to do any more of the rest of her term as Governor of Alaska? (Sorry, Alaskan DUers ...)