Yes, they are speaking to a mostly undereducated, disinformed base located mostly in rural parts of the country.
However, we're seeing a real paradigm shift in this country wherein the people the GOP looks to when it says private enterprise and the free market will solve all our problems have been completely disgraced and exposed as thieves at best, fools at worst.
People out in the real world are experiencing pain, some of them for the first time, and they don't like it. They're finally starting to blame the people really responsible for that pain: deluded conservatives, power mad hacks, and corporate thieves.
Quite simply, conservative policies have now had their 40 years' trial and have been found not to work. People are fed up with the same old, same old, time and again from conservative leaders. Oh, they're not prepared to like liberals. They just know the conservative emperor has no clothes.
Conservatives are rigid and incapable of rapid enough change to try to find advantage in this cultural shift. Their speeches and policies are being seen more and more as anachronisms, as embarrassing relics of a past that really should not have happened.
Most people are fed up. They have only a minority of true believers, religious sheep, and bigots left. The country has always had those and will survive them.