I have been looking around the net tonight and am seeing some stories about some in the Republican party are ready to throw Steele overboard for not being conservative enough for them. So of course I had to stop by the bastion of conservative intellectualism of the new millennium FreeRepublic, to see what they are saying about him. Here is the results of the search I put in and it ain't pretty.
Long Knives for Steele Already?
Good Ole Michael Steele
To name just a few.
Seems that Mr. Steele did not understand that part of the requirements of the job of being the RNC Chairman is that one has to be, in both form and substance, a fascist. Clearly, it was obvious when he spoke in demeaning terms about the Head Fascist of the party, "Boss Limbaugh", that he did not understand this reality and I saw somewhere a short mention that he may have said something to the effect of, a women does have a right to choose. So the long knives are being released from the sheaths.
But doesn't giving Steele the boot at this stage of the game seriously hurt the Republicans further than they have already hurt themselves? It almost seems impossible to ask that question as one has to wonder if that is even possible but I guess the Republicans are getting ready to show the world that yes they can tear themselves up even further.
I mean let's face it, a big part of the party's decision to put Steele in the big chair was so they can demonstrate that like the Democrats, they too hire black people and all this talk about them being raciest is just another big liberal conspiracy. So what does this say about the party of Lincoln who hires a black guy and then gives him the boot before he's even had time to make the office his own?
Just wanted to see some others thoughts on this phenomenon in today's bizarre political landscape.