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Activists Use Facebook to Turn Up the Heat on Tea Party

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drakonyx Donating Member (191 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 02:24 AM
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Activists Use Facebook to Turn Up the Heat on Tea Party
Several progressive websites are seeking to counter the influence of conservative talk radio by providing conduits for information about candidates, their backgrounds and positions to a greater extent than ever before. Some sites, following the lead of Huffington Post, have created full-fledged online publications. Many of these are aimed at a progressive audience: Daily Kos, AlterNet, Think Progress, Truthout, Hatewatch and Right Wing Watch are just a few of the most prominent examples (all of them featured on The Provocation). Others have taken a different approach. Democratic Underground, for instance, focuses more on a forum/message board/journal format that encourages reader involvement.

Many of these players use social media to supplement and enhance their blogging efforts. But at least one progressive voice is approaching the process from the opposite end. Americans Against The Tea Party (AATTP) started out as a Facebook page and later added a blog to augment its strategy. It began as a joint project by two friends who lived in adjoining towns and a third partner who created the page more than a year ago. The first two remain actively involved in the project today, and they have big plans.
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chollybocker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-16-11 02:42 AM
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1. OMG! "Activists!!" On my innertube machineries!!
"a joint project by two friends who lived in adjoining towns and a third partner who created the page more than a year ago"

Sounds diabolically Rovian! To the bunkers!

... :eyes:
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