""Iowans don't like being ignored, they don't like being ignored!" said Branstad. "Romney has been here a few times. I think he's missing an opportunity to be here this weekend and also to spend more time campaigning in Iowa."
PoliticoReally, Governor? I have nothing against Iowa or Iowans, but, c'mon, no one pays a whole lot of attention to the place except for those wacky caucuses you folks have every four years. Then, according to you, Iowans acquire some sort of mystical (no doubt God-given) power to determine the Fate of the Nation. You govern a state of three million people. That represents, what, about 0.8% of the US population?
Sorry, but I just think this whole kowtowing to Iowa is way overblown. I don't agree with Romney on anything else - wait, that's not right: I like his taste in flannel shirts - but I think he's right in keeping Iowa in perspective.