George Soros and other individuals: Please incorporate your operatives and assets to approach Ron Paul's campaign to run as a third party candidate. This will ensure Barack Obama's reelection, and will invalidate the congressional gains that will be going to the GOP, including control of the senate. Obama can use the Executive Powers Act to essentially rule from the presidential pulpit, creating departments without conservative Congressional oversight.

In my estimation based upon conversations I've had with some of Paul's key people, $20 million dollars should be enough to facilitate the campaign migration from GOP to independent. Better yet, he can call himself the "Tea Party" candidate (or, in our case, the "Teabagger candidate").
This will ensure that the teabagger scum, who hate anything to do with moderation and socialism, will vote for Ron Paul instead of our preferred GOP opponent, Mitt Romney. This is why we had trashed every GOP candidate other than Romney up until now, so we could ensure his nomination as the GOP candidate. By injecting Ron Paul as the 3rd party, he can essentially pull off what Ross Perot did by siphoning off the GOP idiot vote. Barack Obama can then win with as little as 38% of the popular vote!
Call it "Operation Split the GOP Vote 2012."
Let's do it!