Several tribes operating CA casinos are considering pumping $10 million to Bustamante campaign.
"He (Bustamante) may get a significant financial boost from one of his longtime allies: Indian tribes that operate casinos in California. One source close to the tribes said late Thursday that several tribes in Southern California are considering whether to pump as much as $10 million into Bustamante's bid through independent expenditure committees that are not subject to contribution limits."
From article:
Bustamante defends entry in recall raceBy Laura Kurtzman, Ann E. Marimow, Mary Anne Ostrom and Jim Puzzanghera
Mercury News this happens, that should equal what ahh-null will put in. Although, it may raise issues of "special interests", which ahh-null is making a big deal out of fact that he is doesn't need special interests and is using his own gazillions.