Hello I never said it was evidece he was using those names in his figures. In fact I specifically said it didn't bother me. That's life.
X-Apparently-To: indigo129@yahoo.com via; Sat, 09 Aug 2003 01:34:32 -0700
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From: "Jim Jordan" <info@johnkerry.com> | This is spam | Add to Address Book
To: indigo129@yahoo.com
Subject: Want to make Texas Republicans cry?
Date: 09 Aug 2003 01:32:58 PDT
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Dear ,
George W. Bush is in Texas right now! We need your help to send George W. Bush back to Texas on election day -- for good.
We need you to help us raise $100 dollars for each of the 1,446 miles between the White House and the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas by Friday, August 15th. We need your help! America needs a President who will work for us. President Bush has lost three million jobs and keeps telling us that under his economic plan, tax breaks for the wealthy will "trickle-down". Let's show the Republican Party that we are all tired of being trickled on by George W. Bush.
We need a President who will get this economy back on track by creating jobs and investing in people ----with your help John Kerry will be that President.
Click or copy the link below to contribute and move George W. Bush closer to retirement in Crawford!
https://contribute.johnkerry.com/index.html?team=2You can watch our progress by visiting JohnKerry.com or clicking on the link below.
http://www.johnkerry.com/tx_progress.htmlThank you for joining us on this journey to make America stronger, safer and more secure.
All the best!
Jim Jordan
Campaign Manager
John Kerry for President
by the way I never said he was using that list to come up with his figures. In fact I specifically said it didn't really bother me. It's life.
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