and the Democrats were the Republicans. Don't forget, Lincoln a Republican freed the slaves, and Wilson was a die-hard bigot. Most of the members of the KKK until about 1900-1958 were Democrats. Look at William Byrd. Storm Thurmond was a Democrat.
Between 1909 and 1952 the parties almost completly changed clothes. By 1964 the parties had changed to each other. Democrats became liberals and Repukes became the old Democratic Party conservatives.
In addition to the parties changing issues, the states were also different.
The Democrats focus on social liberal issues and big city concerns. The Republicans focus on farming, moral values, and big business interests.
As they evolved, they catered to the interests of blocks of voters.
There is an old cartoon, this Britsh troop and US troop are fighting. Over the course of the fight they switch clothes. First the hat, then the belt, sock shoes, jacket, shirt, etc. Until finally the US troop is wearing the British Uniform and and British Troop is wearing the US uniform.
It is because the political parties try to capture each others political base, they succeed, and bam, they are on opposite sides of the line they started.
:kick: J4Clark