This is an imporovement for Dems over the last time this poll asked the question of who voters would vote for--Bush or a generic Democrat. On April 30th Bush led on the ballot question by 53-40 percent, So Dems have cut his lead by five-points.
Bush's approval rating is stable in the Post Poll--59/37 approval--no change over last month. On his handling of Iraq 56% approve and 41% disapprove. On the economy 45% approve and 51% disapprove. On Taxes Bush has a 49/46 percent approval rating. On the budget a 41-50% approval ratiing.
Which party do you trust more to lead the country? Split 40% for the GOP and 39% pick the Dems. This is an improvement for Dems. It was 51-39 percent favoring the GOP back in October of 2002.
The only major issue working in Bush's favor is Terrorism where he is trusted more than a Democrat by a whopping 54-25 percent.
On the economy the Dems hold a 47-37 percent lead
On Social Security the Dems hold a 46-33 percent lead
On Taxes a 43-40 percent Dem advantage.
On the Budget it is split 41-40 percent in Bush's (!!) favor.