I'm starting this thread b/c I'm getting disgusted w/ all this bashing of other Democratic candidates! For the record, I'm a Kerry supporter, but to me there's something more important than Kerry beating the other Democrats -- It's the democrats beating Bush. Yet, all over this site, in all these forums, threads are bashing other candidates.
Lieberman is bashed as though he is a conservative Republican (guess what -- he's not? You may disagree with his style and his hawkish iraq views, or even many of his other views, but his voting record shows that he's a CENTRIST DEMOCRAT whose NO further to the right than Bill Clinton).
Dean is bashed by non-Dean supporters (not this non-Dean supporter though) as unelectable, immature, conniving, or slandered as a wolf-in-sheep's clothing.
Kerry is bashed by non-Kerry supporters (many, if not all) as BUSH-LITE and as a pig -- look at his voting record people! I'm especially sick of the Dean supporters blasting Kerry or the Kerry supporters bashing Dean -- any look at there positions shows they are remarkably close on nearly all the issues, w/ the exc. of the Iraq War, where Kerry was for forcible disarmament as a last resort and w/ international support.
Edward is bashed as a crook.
Gephardt is bashed as a sellout and as a DLC-corporate whore when he left the DLC years ago and is far to the left of them on trade and labor issues!
Everybody is bashed. Everybody is slandered as being un-electable. Even the candidates themselves have resorted to this: Lieberman calling Dean and the others unelectable, Dean calling everybody else unelectable, Kerry calling everybody else unelectable!
I want Unity. I want to beat George W. Bush. How are we supposed to present a united front come next spring? For the candidates, I say, how are you going to be able to pledge support and confidence in the nominee if you bashed him as unelectable for months before? I want the Democratic candidate to be able to stand up on the convention night w/ all 8 (or, by that point, 9 if Clark jumps in) other candidates and declare a common front against Bush?!
So, in the name of Peace, Unity, I am starting this thread as a flame-free thread for all those who have something more important on their minds than winning the nomination for their candidate: winning the presidency from the Republicans. This is a thread for all those who are prepared to support any of the candidates for the nomination -- Dean, Kerry, Lieberman, Gephardt, Graham, Edwards, Clark -- and who will do their utmost to see the man in the WH removed from office, not see our party implode.
United we can defeat Bush. Divided we will fail. Let's let Bush prove that he's a uniter not a divider -- a president who unites us DEMOCRATS, not divides us. Let's not give him the last laugh.