What the hell are those?
When someone DOES post something good about Kerry, some clown (usually a Dean fan) begins a flame war. And we go from talking about the good thing Kerry did to an all out piss contest with Dean’s cult.
John Kerry would make a great President and if he wins the nomination it will be the first time I ever put a candidate’s bumper sticker on my car.
I like his stand against agrabusiness, monopolies, the POW issue, military pay, supreme court issues, his inclusiveness, his ambitious energy plan and his amazing defense of the environment.
Without the work of John Kerry in the Senate, this government would be even more f***** up than it already is.
Kerry has earned his stripes, has cut his teeth, fighting like a champ on the things people like me hold dear. I believe a President Kerry would foster in a new era.
Though Kerry comes of as an intellectual, Liberal elitist, I honestly believe that he wants to do great things. I don’t believe he wants to be President just for the perks. I believe he believes he can move our nation in a fresh new direction offering innovative perspective to governance.
I support Senator Kerry 100% and unless Dennis Kucinich’s campaign really catches fire he is who I pray becomes our next president.