,1,6399194.story?coll=chi-news-hedCreating a dilemma for a party that has trouble attracting minority support, the White House has told state Republican leaders to stress diversity in selecting delegates for President Bush's renomination next summer.
GOP conventions in the past have been criticized for being filled with delegate slates that are largely white and hardly reflect the growing influence of minorities and ethnics in the political culture. But the directive, if it can be achieved, would provide a television convention backdrop of mixed ethnicity and race from which Bush can formally launch his re-election campaign.
"It's not a prop," Robert Kjellander, Illinois' Republican National committeeman and a Midwest coordinator for the Bush re-election campaign, said after the state's GOP Central Committee on Thursday approved its delegate-selection plan.
"It's so that the delegation reflects the diversity in the Republican Party. The president has tremendous support in non-traditional areas, and we want to make sure the delegates to the convention reflect that," he said. "This is to meaningfully expand the base of the Republican Party."