A few days ago he was telling the troops to "Crank It Up".
Draft Clark 2004: Is General Clark Preparing to Launch Presidential Campaign?
Draft Clark 2004 Press Release
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeff Dailey (jeff@draftclark2004.com), Michael Frisby (mikefrisby@draftclark2004.com)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 /U.S. Newswire /-- Retired Gen. Wesley Clark is reportedly making preparations to launch his presidential campaign shortly after Labor Day, a move that will shake up the Democratic Presidential campaign.
The National Journal is reporting that Gen. Clark recently spoke with a close advisor and said, "Crank it up," in reference to his presidential bid. This follows a series of media interviews in which Clark has been increasingly critical of President Bush's handling of domestic and foreign policy issues.
The National Journal wrote: "Wesley Clark appears to be getting close to throwing his stars into the 2004 Democratic presidential nominating contest. Clark recently phoned one close adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity, and said, 'Crank it up.' The Clark adviser said that the former NATO chief is smart to stay out of the race until after Labor Day, but not much longer after that. He pointed to the number of debates and forums that the Democratic hopefuls have on tap and the chance that these encounters will do little to clarify the race -- as was the case in the recent AFL-CIO forum in Chicago. The Clark adviser speculated that the general will be better positioned for a run if he has a message that seems fresher for not having been part of the clutter."
Meanwhile, the Draft Clark 2004 campaign has been picking up steam, with 98 regional coordinators in 42 states, supported by more than 1,000 active volunteers across the country organizing a grassroots effort that can boost his campaign once he becomes a declared candidate.