Another positive article about Dr. Dean!!
News Political Reporter
If Howard Dean really is the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, he showed the Young Democrats of America national convention, held in Buffalo on Saturday, what all the fuss is about.
He was careful to note that he supported the first Persian Gulf War as well as the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan in search of Osama bin Laden. Then he recited a litany of milestones that he said separated the latest clash with Iraq from other military actions:
"I will never hesitate to send American troops to any corner of the globe as commander in chief to defend our country and to defend our freedoms," he said. "But I will never send our brothers and our sisters, our sons and our daughters, to die in a foreign country without telling the truth."
And as he has throughout his campaign, he appealed to the base of the Democratic Party to make itself known. The party has made mistakes in the past, he said, by trying to "be like George Bush . . . you vote for some of the tax cuts . . . you vote to send the troops to Iraq so you don't appear soft on defense."
It's that kind of rhetoric and a host of favorable stands on expanded health care, gay rights (he supported Vermont's landmark ruling on homosexual civil unions) and other issues that have appealed to the party's traditional left-of-center base.
But that same appeal is also sending chills down the more moderate spine of the Democratic Party that successfully rallied around Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 and Al Gore's near-miss in 2000.
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