I really don't care, but I just found a few articles that make me think so. We are supporting Dean right now, and I so much resent the attacks on him here. We also like Graham, who was a founder of the New Dems. Dean was a member when he was a governor. I don't like Al From, but I realize not all New Dems are like him. I just wondered if the DLC is behind Clark's candidacy?
I don't need to go anywhere else to find all the eensiest bitsiest speck of dirt on Dean. It is all right here at DU, even some from other countries are taking part in it!
So, I have an honest question. I am curious, and I don't want to be bashed for my question.
Articles I found:
http://slate.msn.com/id/2076528/SNIP..."During the fall election cycle, he met with New Hampshire Democrats
and spoke to the centrist Democratic Leadership Council. In November, Time
reported that Clark met with prominent Democrats in New York City to discuss
his potential candidacy. Since then, he's been issuing carefully crafted
non-denial denials about his White House ambitions, saying he has "no
intention" to run, that he "hasn't raised any money," and that he doesn't
"really have any plans." But according the Des Moines Register, he's
enlisted a member of the Gore 2000 team as his top aide, he's sought advice
from Donna Brazile (who's publicly urging him to run), and he's contacted
top Iowa Democrats about a caucus campaign. He's now on the Associated
Press's shortlist of possible candidates, and just this week he talked with
Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe about his
http://www.politicsnh.com/archives/bartlett_report/2002/12-11-02-text.htmSNIP......"One of the possible Presidential candidates, Connecticut Senator
Joe Lieberman, picked up a key endorsement this week. Former State
Democratic Chairman Jeff Woodburn jumped aboard as an early supporter.
Woodburn is a well respected establishment Democrat who is often a "go-to
guy" when the media needs competent analysis. Lieberman is considered a
moderate among the mentioned Democratic candidates, and some in state
question if he is trying to hard to pursue establishment Democrats in the
state, and is ignoring Democratic Leadership Council style moderates who are
increasingly talking about the possibility of a General Wesley Clark
Will Clark announce Labor Day after telling his volunteers to step it up?
Clark may be in, but Biden says he's out: In the strongest signal yet that
retired U.S. Army General Wesley Clark, the former NATO commander, is
planning to join the Democratic presidential race, he told volunteers last
week to step up their efforts and prepare for an announcement on Labor
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/8/10/184201.shtmlDon't usually quote Newsmax, but this is interesting.
SNIP...."Several hundred self-important (aren't they always?) and
not-so-young elected officials of the Democrat persuasion were in
Philadelphia last month to take part in a "National Conversation,"
orchestrated by the Democratic Leadership Council.
Notorious for its discovery of Bill Clinton as a presidential candidate, the
DLC is still trying to be a political force. It paraded a handful of
governors, an assortment of senators and representatives and retired Gen.
Wesley Clark as possible additions to the nine dwarves already
Ok, I actually like Wesley Clark. I would have no objection to voting for him if he were the nominee. However, I would like to say that the militaristic nature of the ad bothered me. Yes, I saw the other posts about how we sure had better be militaristic to please most of the people. I rather doubt that.
An example. Several of our Republican friends very much like Dean. They are moderates, just as we are moderate Democrats. They are tired of the warmongering as are we, and they think Dean would be tough when he needed to be.
I was told by a moderator to not let it bother me. Hey, it bothers me to see supporters of Dean do it, too. It is just wrong to be so negative about each others' candidates. I think it is wrong for supporters of Clark to bash Dean. And vice versa. It is tiring, and it makes a board with a lot of intelligent members look stupid.