With Howard in the starring role of Inspector Callahan.
Deans holds forth as fact, the REPUBLICAN based myth that the criminal justice system bends over backwards to favor the defendent, when ALL the fact point to the exact opposite. In the last ten years, due to the avaiablilty of DNA methods, nearly 1/3rd of all the people on Death Row in the U.S. have been found to be innocent.
Dean, as in all things bases his political decision, life and deatth decisions, on his personal opinion, and is totally unwilling to acept facts from any source other than his own head.
For the defense
August 16, 2001
(from the Editorials section)
Dean chose not to reappoint Appel for a third four-year term as defender general, the state official who heads the state’s public defender program. In appointing Valerio, of Proctor, the new defender general, Dean had kind words for Appel. But Appel had clashed with Dean on numerous occasions in his efforts to secure for his office the resources necessary to fulfill his duties conscientiously.
Just two years ago Dean tried to prevent Appel from accepting a $150,000 federal grant aimed at assisting defendants with mental disabilities. For Dean to block a government agency from receiving federal money was unusual in itself. But Dean’s openly expressed bias against criminal defendants provided a partial explanation.
Dean has made no secret of his belief that the justice system gives all the breaks to defendants. Consequently, during the 1990s, state’s attorneys, police, and corrections all received budget increases vastly exceeding increases enjoyed by the defender general’s office. That meant the state’s attorneys were able to round up ever increasing numbers of criminal defendants, but the public defenders were not given comparable resources to respond.
The problem with giving a disproportionate share of state resources to prosecution and enforcement is that it throws the justice system out of kilter. A just result occurs in court only when the prosecution and defense both are ably represented.
http://rutlandherald.com/Archive/Articles/Article/31792Or try this, from a national journal for heads of public defenders department all over the U.S.
Support Your
Colleagues Under Siege
After fighting the “good fight”
as head of the Vermont defender
system for eight years, Defender
General Robert Appel has just
been notified that the Governor will
not reappoint him. Vermont news-
papers report that Robert’s zealous
advocacy to obtain resources and
other initiatives to support and im-
prove Vermont’s indigent defense
system had many times put him at
odds with the state’s chief executive,%2520Vol%25201%2520No%25203.PDF+%22Robert+Appel%22++%22federal+grant%22&hl=en&ie=UTFA Dean quote again...Dirty Harry could not have said it better
In an interview his first week as governor, Dean made it clear where he stood: “My view is that the justice system is not fair. It’s not fair. It bends over backwards to help defendants and is totally unfair to victims and to society as a whole ...,” he said.
Dean subsequently supported toughening the guidelines for people qualifying for a public defender and limiting the services defenders provide to prisoners.
If in fact Dean does replace Appel, it will be under similar circumstances in which the governor brought him into the job.
In 1993, Dean opted not to reappoint then-Defender General E.M. “Bud” Allen, explaining that he wanted someone in the position who would focus more energy on the fiscal management of the office.
Dean replaced Allen with Appel, who at the time was an assistant attorney general. Prior to his time in the Attorney General’s Office, Appel worked in the Defender General’s Office.
Strains in relations between Dean and Appel appeared fairly early.
Months after Appel was appointed, a study was released showing that public defenders in the state were receiving low wages.
http://rutlandherald.nybor.com/News/Story/31711.htmlThis a a copy of and article from the Spangenberger report indicating the grant that Appel obtained and which Dean opposed, leading to his decision to not reappoint Mr Appel. It was a grrant to provide those who are mentally disabled with proper legal defense. Mr Appel had to find additional sources of funding due to the Governor's antiquated and punitive ideas about the criminal justice system
Deans archaic ideas about the criminal justice system and the socio-economic roots of crime and substance abuse are SO conservative that it is impossible to find anyother democrat who supports such overwhelmingly barbaric ideas.
They show in his massive and unwarranted ideas about drug treatment, medidcal marijuana, and his simply neo-con like ideas about the role of public defenders in the United States. I would not be suprised if PNAC and other Neo-cons did not get base their philosophy and docreine by following Deans career as governor.
http://www.spangenberggroup.com/newsletter/TSG_vol5_issue1.pdfDeans supporters must continually twost and turn to find furtther justifications for Deans overwhelming NEO-CON nature.
Dean is a complete SUPERCONSERVATIVE.
He hass had to completely hide all record and evidence of this as well as he can, and simply lay out a presidential campaign based on total lies.
Dean NEVER balanced the Vermont budget deficit he was left with. The mechanism that did this was set in polace before he took office.
Vermont NEVER had a health care system that provided one mopre person with heath care than would have had Dean never come to office.
The Vemront government itself did a stusdy at Dean behest that showed that Vermonts health care delivery system was it total chaos. In No place outside of Deans own campaign will anyone find that the health care delivery system in Vemront is ever rated as anything but AVERAGE, among all of ther states.
Dean is a liar. in journalistic jargon, the Vermont does all but call him a liar directly:
Although sometimes loose with the truth, Dean's attack strategy seems to have paid off. He has put his opponents on the defensive and has drawn considerable attention from political commentators and Democratic contributors. Polls show him neck and neck with Kerry in the critical New Hampshire primary and closing in on the favored Gephardt in the Iowa caucuses.
As Dean becomes a top-tier candidate, however, his casual approach to facts and abusive tactics against his opponents could get him into serious trouble -- and severely damage Vermont's reputation for political civility and intellectual honesty.
http://www.sover.net/~auc/deanbites.htmThis about says it all. The only way Dean is getting to the top of the polls is by the Republican route. Lying. Attacking other candidates, keeping his politicval record sealed, and attacking again.
Dean is a flat out liar.
His supporters cannot find on shred of evidence verifying any of Dean claims as governor outside of his own campaign, and are afraid of ANY suggestion that they even do so.
THey LIKE the lies they are hearing from Dean.
The fact that Dean has no intention of keeping to his campaign platform if elected does not matter to them at all.
But the statements that Dean has made about the crimian ldefense system hasproven that he would be a greater danger to civil liberties than the existing patriot act, and even Patriot II.
Deans paranoic belief about the criminal justice system are serious proof that he desires to put an end to the right to a fair trial, regarless of race or economic status. They fly in the face of the truth that if a large percentage of the p
And like John Ashcroft. Dean just beleive that they are not entitled to a fair trial. Like they even get a fair trial when the public defenders offices see their bugets cut by Dean, but the prosecutors are given big increases.
Finally, when Dean announce his candidacy, this brief little description if Dean was published:
Dean said he was running because “most of all, I wanted my party to stand up for what we believe in.” But the liberal Democratic tag defies his record in Vermont, where Dean was known as a centrist, pro-business governor for 12 years.
He battled Democrats to restrain spending and balance the state budget, even pushing for cuts in human services programs such as benefits for the aged, blind and disabled.
He nominated tough-on-crime judges, most of them former prosecutors. And he imposed work requirements on welfare recipients well before President Bill Clinton did.
Everything about Dean smacks of republican. His own supporters must struggle, but can never find evidence of Deand ever adhering to, or supporting ONE piece of legislation, or asking for legislation, to improve the lives of anyone but the wealthy and big corporation.
They got very wealthy with Dena as governor. but thousands of small family ownd businesses went under due to Deans bringing Wal-Mart and dozens of ather large corporations, into the downtown areas in which many of these businesses had thrived for decades. Dean destroyed many a family business with the stroke of a pen.