(got this from an e-mail)
National Republican Attack Machine To Be Let Loose on California McAuliffe Calls it Evidence of National Republican Strategy on California Recall
Washington, D.C. - The Democratic National Committee today has learned that the Republican Leadership Council (RLC) plans to air statewide television ads from September 15th to October 7th advocating for the recall of Governor Gray Davis. The last time the RLC was in the national spotlight was during the 2000 presidential campaign when they ran hundreds of thousands of dollars of ads on behalf of George W. Bush. The RLC is a national Republican organization whose board of directors includes numerous advisers and supporters of both President Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
During the 2000 campaign, the RLC made a name for itself by running attack ads against George W. Bush_s primary opponent Steve Forbes and later against Democratic nominee Al Gore. At the time a number of RLC officers had publicly endorsed President Bush and a number were Bush "Pioneers" - a group of top fundraisers who had raised at least $100,000 for his campaign. Republican Steve Forbes called the RLC, "an attack surrogate for the benefit of Governor Bush."
Currently 23 of the RLC_s top officers are or were top Bush fundraisers and according to the RLC_s own website, former California Governor - and current top Schwarzenegger adviser - Pete Wilson is on the RLC's Advisory Board.
"Contrary to what President Bush told us, this is further evidence of White House meddling," said DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe. "The national republican strategy of stealing elections through lawyers, loopholes and lies will backfire. The people of California are entitled to positive ideas from people who want to talk to them about the issues in their state."