This is my transcription of the speech Carol gave at Gov. Vilsack's health care forum. You can hear the entire forum on
cspan, or follow
this link directly to the realplayer video.
Carol's remarks begin at about 1:13:30. I've cleaned it up a little for clarity, to remove ahs and uhms and false starts, while still trying to retain the conversational tone. Well, I'm sort of tuckered out with it at the moment. I feel that it's worth sharing so I present it knowing that it's far from perfect.
Thank you very much Governor Vilsack, and to Drake University President David Maxwell, Doctor Hansen and Doctor Boxer. Thank you so much for organizing this forum. And thanks to all of you for taking time out to come out and hear the candidates for the Democratic Nomination speak about health care.
I'm delighted to have this chance to talk about this issue because I believe that I offer a different perspective on health care reform, one that gives us a win/win/win solution to this national dilemma, in ways that will invigorate our economy, eliminate insurance insecurity, reduce human suffering and anxiety, and redirect resources in ways that will give us a comprehensive system of universal coverage for quality care.
Before I do that however I'd like to take a moment and give you a sense of who I am and talk to you about how it was that I came to this issue. My mother was a medical technician and she worked in a hospital in the days when the women in the room all were quiet whenever the doctor walked in.
You all remember that. And in fact she had impressed upon me to go and pursue a career in medical care. When I passed out--I was a candy striper, and when I passed out in the emergency room, they sent me to medical records.
I went on to law school at University of Chicago and then in my first job out of law school, as an Assistant United States Attorney, my first big case was defending Jimmy Carter's attempt at health care reform. You may recall came up with the HSA's and tried to restructure the way our health care system worked, and I was lucky enough as a baby lawyer to have a chance to try that case that the AMA filed against the Carter health plan. We lost, as you all are no doubt aware. But that was my first real introduction to health care policy, and it has been a factor in my career ever since.
Following my time in the Assistant U.S. Attorney's Office, I married and started a family and I was home being a homemaker when my neighbors got me engaged in a local environmental effort to save the bobolinks in Jackson Park. We were protesting the removal of the bobolinks' habitat. We lost again.
But what came out of it was an offer by some of my neighbors who had seen me working on that community cause to get involved in electoral politics. And when I first started to talk about it I said, "Oh, I don't know, I don't know anything, I'm not a politician, I don't know anything about this."
And they said, "Oh no, you should run."
And then another group came to see me and said, "No, you shouldn't run for state representive, because you haven't got a chance to win. The blacks won't vote for you because you're not part of the Chicago machine. The whites won't vote for you because you're black. And nobody's going to vote for because you're a woman."
That was all I needed to hear, and that was the beginning of a political career.
So I went on to serve in the Illinois General Assembly as State Representative, and in that capacity had occasion once again to get involved with health care legislation at the state level. And among the things that I had occasion to do --and you never know in life what comes back around again--, but the present Speaker of the House, Denny Hastert, and I were co-sponsors of the first PPO legislation that the country had. And of course that was still part of my evolution in this whole process of health care reform.
Following my time in the legislature--and I served for a while as majority leader, I served as Cook Country Recorder of Deeds Now that was the one job that I didn't have a health care issue to deal with exactly. Other than negotiating with FCIU--because understand is represented in this room a little bit.
But in the executive position health care wasn't as much of a concern because our county government did have coverage for all of the employees of that office.
And then I went on to the United States Senate. And of course over the years health care just became more and more and more of a dilemma and a problem for the American people, particularily as our job market began to change and evolve. Following my time in the Senate--Oh, and I had occasion in the Senate to serve...I was the first woman enlisted to serve on the Senate finance committee. And of course we went through the trauma really of the Clintons' health care reform effort, and with all of the pros and the cons--and I don't want to take all of the time talking about that effort, but it was an effort. It was an effort that was directed at at the need to look in the direction of trying to provide universal coverage. It didn't get there, for a variety of reasons. But frankly I think that everybody should applaud the fact that the effort was made, and the undertaking was attempted to try to fix this huge problem.
Following my time as a United States Senator, I was confirmed by the Senate to become Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, and I call that time my time as ambassador to paradise. One of the aspects of being ambassador to paradise is that New Zealand had a single-payer system. So I had an opportunity to see a single payer system at work, and to observe how in the fact of the matter it actually happens. If anything, I have gone full circle with this issue. And I have come to the conclusion that the only real solution to this problem lies not in continuing to tinker with a broken industry, but rather to acknowledge that the structure of the industry is flawed, that we cannot fix it at this point, and that we need to have a single payer universal health care coverage in order to provide quality health care to the American people.
(applause, applause)
Now let me suggest, because this issue can be so complicated, that if anything, one of the traps, one of the dangers in it, is that you can get caught up looking at the trees and miss the forest. So if you take a step back and look at the forest in this issue, the question becomes: Is there any rational reason why our health care system, payment to our health care system, is tied to our employment? The answer to that is, there really isn't. And so if we were to step back and look at what is it that we're trying to do here, it is not health care that needs to be reformed. We have the best health care in the world. We know as a nation how to provide for health care. What we don't have is a rational system for paying for it. The Japanese, the Germans, the Italians, the French, all of these nations manage to provide health care to their citizens for less than the 15% almost, 14% of GDP that it costs here in the United States. Ask yourself, are Americans that much sicker than people in the rest of the industrialized world? Or perhaps maybe the answer is there's just a problem with the way that we pay for it.
I submit to you that examples of such a single-payer system actually abound, and we should look to those examples as a way of fixing this broken industry. Right now the federal government has a program of health care coverage for federal employees, the FEHBP, I'm sure you've heard a lot about it. But the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program is for all intents and purposes a single payer system. And under that system all sorts of health care from mental health to dental health to vision health, all of these things get covered in a comprehensive system that winds up costing less than the private insurance system that we have.
Right now we have, if you think about it, two separate traunches* with different divisions. We've got a private system and a public system. The public system is Medicare, Medicaide, Chips, da da da da-- that is, a whole bunch of acronyms for all the different specialty programs for health care, for special diseases and the like, all under here under a public system.
On the other side we have a private system, and that private system depends on every thing from where you live to where you work, to whether or not you're full-time, part-time, or whatever, but there's different iterations. And the insurance companies make contracts to run that private system. The result of the changes in our work force is that we now have 41 and counting million Americans with no coverage, particularily young people, not to mention the costs of all the outlier groups that just don't fit into a category. There's something very strange when members of the middle class can't access health care as well as some one who recieves public assistance. And that is really the reality....
So if you step back from the trees and look at the forest for a moment, what becomes really clear is that we're not talking about health care reform, what we're talking about is health industry reform, or health insurance reform. Because, again, the health care part of the equation is not what's broken. It is the way we pay for it. With a single-payer system we would eliminate the leeching away of resources and money that right now is going into paper work on the one hand and profit on the other, and could very well go into providing additions to care, particularily in regards to prevention, and in regards to other kinds of outliers, that could have the effect of improving the health status of the American people, as opposed to just dealing with sickness care at the end of the line.
There's that old expression about closing the barn door before the horse is out--it makes much more sense to focus wellness and providing people with opportunities to access care in a reasonable way on the front end of the process, than trying to do interventions, in an emergency room, in the most expensive setting possible.
I have been challenged. We're getting our campaign started. I look forward to putting out the requisite papers. I haven't put out a paper yet, but I have embraced a single payer system, and again, a single payer system not dependent on employment, but rather in which the payments shift to the income tax as a base.
Now, is that a shift? Yes it is. It's not a tax increase, but it will call for a tax shift. Shifting off of the payroll tax, on to the income tax, would have the effect of eliminating the unfair, the disparate impact on working people that the current system has. Right now 80% of the American people pay more in payroll taxes than they do in income taxes. And because of the way it's structured, the payroll tax impacts disproportionately on working people. So that, Michael Jordon--I don't mean to pick on Michael Jordan, but Michael Jordan pays a smaller percentage of his salary for health care than some one who goes to work on a farm every day, or goes to work in a mill everyday.
There's something wrong with that. We can make the system more progressive in the way that we pay for it by shifting it off the payroll tax base, on to the income tax base, and I believe in the course of it we will still wind up saving money. And have a more progressive system, in which health care gets paid for in a more rational way, and out of that rationality, we will have the savings and we will have the capacity building that will allow us to provide for quality health care with universal coverage that is accessible to every one. And that--and this is my last point, but I'm trying to go on, but the last point that I think is very, very important--and a system that also respects and builds on the relationship between patients and providers.
You know there's that old joke-- and this is not a joke anymore because it's kind of sad, but there is that old joke that organized medicine spent so much effort running away from the embrace of socialized medicine that they ran into the clutches of the venture capitalists.
(laughter, mixed applause)
The truth is, the truth is that doctors and nurses and providers of care should be the people making the decisions about how that care will be delivered as opposed to some bureaucrat sitting nowadays somewhere off shore somewhere, not even here, some one making a decision on behalf of an insurance company's bottom line. These strategies were never meant to exclude care. But that's exaclty where it's gone, and that's exactly what has happened, and the result is we are a sicker nation, and we pay more for our health care than any other industrialized country in the world.
We can do better. We have the capacity to create a single payer system in this country, that frankly in my opinion is more creative and more innovative and comprehensive even than some of the systems that have gone before. You know, we've heard the horror stories about the lines in England and Canada, and even in New Zealand. It doesn't have to be that way. With a market as large as ours, with a capacity as deep as ours, I have every confidence that the American people are innovative and creative enough to come up with reform of our payment system for health care in ways that will preserve our values around what health care should do. And those values include providing the best quality care to every one without regard to means, and making certain that physicians and providers are in a position to make decisions that they are best able to make, and that we eliminate the human suffering and the insecurity and the job loss and all the horrors you've heard about, by finally settling on the notion that rationality in the way that we pay for something that is as personal as health care ought to be our first priority.
Thank you all very much.