The ice cream social I helped to organize on Maryland's Eastern Shore last night was BIG success (at least by my standards). We had nearly 100 people show and we raised over $2000. People came from all around our rural area and even from as far away as Baltimore, DC, and Northern Virginia to attend. :bounce:
Joe Trippi, Dean's national campaign manager, was the main attraction for the event. It was great to meet him and his family and to socialize a bit with other Dean supporters (after I finished my "organizer" role when the speeches were over, that is...I then had a chance to have a couple glasses of wine and chat with people).
Here's a picture of the coordinators/volunteers with Joe, his wife, and their dog (the director of canine outreach :-) ) before the event.
That's me in the jeans standing on the far left (of course, :evilgrin:)
You can read more about the "pre-game" stuff here: is a shot of the event in full swing:
That's Joe in the middle, giving a gen-u-ine stump speech (he was standing on the stump of a tree).
If you'd like to read more about it, go here:'m a bit exhausted (we pulled this together in a very tight timeframe), but I still feel the buzz from last night (and it's not all wine-induced :-) ). So I'll stop here.
Whew! Who knew democracy could give you such a high?