It would be Kucinich...
But like EVERYTHING in America, even union, union activity, and unionization in general is 50 years behing the Europeans...
Looking at Trade policy, Nafta, and the WTO, in general, you cant trade, unless you have people to trade with. If the U.S. simply produced what it needed for itself, and had no outside nations to trade with, the standarrd of living of the average American worker would fall lower than the standard of living of people in Indonesia.
So trade agreements are not the problem. Having a president who abides by ALL of the terms of these agreements, and is active in demanding that other signatories abide in the agreemetns they have made is mandatory.
First, the establishment of international minimum living wages, high and equitable environmental standards that are enforced on all nations, safe and healthy working environments, outlawing of all child labor and severe penalties to those who are found to break these rules, especially those who harm, mutilate, or enslave workers, and child workers.
Merely raising the wages of minimum wage workers to a living wage is a solution fraught with massive economic problems. To raise the wages of a bagger at a supermarket from the current minimum wage to a living wage of say 11 dollars an hour will eventually create a massive problem. One must make than worker more productive, educate and retrain these workers in newer and competative technologies that increase the value of what they produce and the services they offer. AN 11 dollar bagger will eventually end up with an eleven dollar salary that is no longer a living wage. train the bagger to build or repair equipemt that does the bagging. This is how the U.S. economy becomes competative, and its workers invaluable. Keeping at the cutting edge is what America used to do best. It is why for years, the work of its workers simply could not be exported to cheaper countries.
We need to look at the European models in which the department of labor isnt the muscle used by business in order to strongarm workers.
Workers and Unions are powerful in Europe, and Departments of labor are mediaries between workers and management. It is essnetial to move law in this direction.
The absolute stupidity of "FISCAL CONSERVATISM". Democrats go wrong when they state that the time for big governmnet and big government programs is over is one of the biggest myths spread by the rich.
Europeans have big government, they hjave big givernment programs, they have big government benefits.
And if you use euqla scales to measure the productivity of Europe and America, Europe is kncking the crap out of the U.S.
Far higher standards of living, far less poverty, far smaller gap between the wealthiest Europeans and the poorest. Even those in poverty have better standards of living than Americans in poverty. THey have health care, their unemploymewnt benfits do not expire, the are also given housing and food subisdies on top of their government unemployment ot welfare.
When you use a yardstick in which you include the public sector in with the private sector ad include ALL of the products and services that are performed or created in both areas, the Europeans are far more productive than we are.
The U.S. tries to forget, that money spent by the government is still money that is placed into the economy and works there to create growth.
Merely balancing a government budget has nothing to do with productivity and growth.
It reminds me of the New Testament story in which a man gives his servants a gold coin and tells them to keep it safe. Three of the men go out and invenst it, or do something that makes their master mpre money. One burys it and hides it and when it is time to return the money safely,getas a severe tongue lashing form his master for his lack of the proper use of the coin.
Evne while the government was running a deficit, on program changed the entire way we live, and has provided the technological resources yjsy have made out lives totally unrecognizable from the lives our parents lived. That was the space program. You cannot turn around and look at something in your apartment, or look out your window without seeing dozens, hundres, or even thousands of everyday items that reached the private sector through government pure research. Business is still creating new products out of the last leftovers from the Apollo Program. Virtually all medical technology as we know it today came out of the human factors team of Apollo. New textiles. Lightweight composite materials, stronger. longer lasting materials for automobile tires, bodies and engines. Fiber optics. Laser Discs, CD's, DVD's. extreme miniaturization of electronic components. Plasm screen television. For every dollar spent in pure research in this ENORMOUS government program, thousands were made in profits pumpend into the economy and into expanding the middle class.
And who kills this goose that laid the golden egg. Ronald Reagan who beleived that pure reseach was a waste and the government should only fund practical projects. Reagan and the Fiscally Conservative Reagan Democrats who kept this senile old idiot in office.
There is one word that all true democrats should rund screaming from as fast as possible, and that is conservative, attached to ANYTHING.
The Europeans ALL have BIG government. Somehow, they manage to pay their workers higher living wages, support large government social safety nets, and provide a great deal of government services to working citizens of all economic levels.
In general event Europeans living in poverty live in poverty at a greater comfort level than Americans who live in poverty.
This move towards fiscal rewsponsibility and fiscal conservatism that the Republicans have brainwashed the average American into and they myth that all of Europe is teetering on the brink of economic collapse must be exposed. THe latest travesty of an enormous blackout in which it is clear to everyone that we are a supposed superpower with a third world energy grid.
It is time for government to own business, not for business to own government, and the only way to do this is through the DLC's economic platform. The creation od a progresive tax system, based on income, the elimiation of consumption, property, adn excise taxes, as well as protectionist tariffs wich ultimately do not help anyone. FOr example, a tariff onm imported automobiles may help american auto workers, in Detroit, but this then hurts all other working Americans who must pay more for cars. So then politicians and workers in North Carolina textile mills demand protectionist tariffs that make clothing more expensive, costing the Detroit auto worker more.
The real solution is for the government to keep encouraging busnesses to work at creating new technologies on the cutting edge, and keep its workers trained at that cutting edge. For the better part of a century, the U.S. ALWAYS was at that cutting edge, and the jobs of American Workers could not be exported.
The American worker too must co-operate in this venture, and be willing to move into training and jobs on that cutting edge.
But the answer to all of the questions in the subject area of this thread lies iin a totally new vision of the world and its economics. John Nash's vision of co-operative socially responsible capitalism, not competative, grab for the brass ring 18th century laissez faire capitalism.
This economic vision lies at the heart of the DLC's platform, nad has only been held back by those members of the party who cling to the ideas of smaller government, smaller government budgets, program cuts, and shinking tax revenues.
Again look at Europe, who cleans up in the cellular phone market, two of the most social democratic, so called welfare state nations. Finland with Nokia, Sweden with Ericsson. High pay, high tax, enormous government Scandanavia. It is like this in virtually ALL comparisons between the U.S. and European economies. The ultimate irony is that Europeans are keeping the U.S. government and economy alive by financing our enormous deficit.
Europe not as productive as the U.S. I wish. The Europeans with what we describe as economies on the brink of failure seem to be thriving, stay thriving, and pay to buffer us from the effects ot OUR screwed up economy.
It is time for Democrats to leave all ideas about conservatism where they belong. In the past.
It certainly is long past the time to be proud of being Democrats.
It is time to become extremely proud of being TAX AND SPEND, BIG GOVERNMENT DEMOCRATS. And start living the good life that the European middle class seems to have been living for the thirty years because of it.