Interview with Howard Dean
PORTLAND, OR 2003-08-20 (Oregon Considered) - OPB's Colin Fogarty talks with Democratic presidential candidate and former Vermont governor Howard Dean about his upcoming visit to Oregon.
Colin Fogarty: Tell me about your visit to Oregon on Sunday: why come to Oregon just a few days after President Bush comes here?
Howard Dean: President Bush is going around the country trying to prop up things like the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq. The truth is we got into Iraq under false pretences, essentially, and our situation is rapidly deteriorating. Al Qaida was not in Iraq before President Bush invaded; there was no evidence, despite the claims from the administration that it was so. But now it appears that Al Qaida is in Iraq so essentially the Iraq war has made it more difficult to defend the United States, not less difficult. And I think that is a consequence of an administration that does not think before it acts.
CF: O.K., and so you are following the president around this summer?
HD: We are going to a number of cities the president will be going to and telling the other side of the story which the American people have not yet heard