Daren Berringer - Michigan coordinator - Berringer has an extensive history in political communications and organizing stretches, including stints working for statewide campaigns, as well as gubernatorial, congressional and senate races. Most recently, he served as press secretary for Pennsylvania State Senator Jack Wagner.
Chilton Ladd Marshall, a long-time field organizer, as OK state coordinator. Marshall, a native Oklahoman, has an extensive political organizing background, including serving as field director for the Women’s Voter Information Project in Arkansas and director of operations on the “No on 695” campaign in 2001.
Andrea “Andi” Pringle, a long-time political strategist, would join his campaign. Pringle, who recently worked as campaign manager for Carol Moseley-Braun’s presidential campaign, will serve as deputy campaign manager. Pringle, who recently joined the political consulting firm Whistle Stop Communications as a partner, has a diverse resume—including time on Jesse Jackson’s two presidential campaigns and a stint with his National Rainbow Coalition, as well as serving as deputy campaign manager for John White, Jr.’s race for mayor of Philadelphia and two years as a vice president at Jones & Associates political consulting firm. She has also served as communications director for the NAACP’s National Voter Fund, worked on criminal justice issues with George Soros’ Open Society Institute, and spent seven years working in the entertainment industry.
There are several more experinced hands onboard, Steve MacMahon (I think), but I can't find the info. What I found was on the blog.