The race for Allegheny County Executive is tight with Incumbent Republican Executive Jim Roddey holding a slim 44-39 percent lead over Democrt Dan Onorato.
"Things could be a little rocky for Roddey," said Brad Coker, the Mason-Dixon Polling & Research managing director who supervised the survey, "That 44% isn't a great number for an incumbent this far out."
(the election is in November)
Another potential warning sign for Roddey is that a significant majority of voters believe that the county he leads is headed in the wrong direction--59% with only 29% saying the right. In his first race in 1999 42% of county voters said was on right track as opposed to 33% saying wrong track (but of course Clinton was president then).
Roddey leads the Dem among suburban voters, 51-36 percent, but in the city of Pittsburg the Democrat leads 46-25 with 29% undecided.
This is a significant race becuz Pennsylvania is a key state in next years presidential election and the fact that the Repuke Allegheny Executive is in a tough race could be interpeted as a barometer of things to come.