Here's a link: seems that Repukes want to remove Gov. Kenny Guinn (also a Republican) because of his recent tax increases. I'd like to know if we could gain anything from this. I've heard rumors of people wanting to recall Tim Pawlenty and Sonny Perdue also, as well as Ed Rendell. This is the first time one of the major news sources has said anything about this.
Though I doubt that it will go through (Guinn is popular and 25 percent of the electorate will be nearly impossible to attract), I know that Democrats should at least look at this. There aren't a great many prominent Democrats in Nevada, and the ones that are prominent can't be spared. Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Shelley Berkley are both needed in the Congress. For. Atty. Gen. Frankie Sue Del Papa didn't seek reelection in 2002, so she could be a possibility (I know that she was somehow involved in the Yucca Mountain incident. I don't know what that entailed, and I'm not sure if that has hurt or helped her politically). 2000 Senate candidate Ed Bernstein, who wouldn't be a great candidate, would probably run. The best candidate, therefore, for the Democrats would be For. Sen. Richard Bryan. He retired (he wasn't voted out of office), he's very popular in Nevada, and he's only 66.
On the Repuke side, the most likely candidates would be Rep. Jim Gibbons or his wife Dawn Gibbons.