They garnered alot of press with the first one. The fact that Dean, Kucinich and Kerry were the top vote getters garnered publicity for those candidates.
The question is, how would holding another vote help Move-On? I don't know that it would. The publicity and media coverage they recieved and the increase in membership they probably experienced is what they were looking for.
We all know that the internet does not represent the Democratic Party as a whole. The fact that the three candidates who placed highest are generally thought to be liberal/progressive proves that point.
I doubt that another vote would help Move-On in the same way the first one did. It gave them a good indication of their appeal, nothing more. If they did hold another and a candidate did recieve the majority vote, that in itself poses a problem. They will have alienated those who voted for a different candidate. If the "winner" of the Move-On vote did not receive the nomination in the actual primaries they would have shot themselves in the foot. Their goal is increasing membership, period.
Better for them to let the issue lie. The first vote was effective in getting their message out. A second one would not accomplish anything substantive.
Of course, they may yet prove my reasoning wrong. Time will tell. An interesting note is that, to my knowledge, they have not mentioned another vote in the intervening tuime since the original. Seems they are done with the entire process.