Because the bullsh-t is getting thick. I can't believe how many blatant distortions you can fit into so short a post. Let's take a look:
1)Kerry DID NOT oppose intervention in 1991. He supported getting all our ducks in a row before committing, regarding foreign and public support. Which is entirely consistent with his 2002 stance, and vision of progressive internationalism today.
2)You really are not going to pretend that Kerry's stance was any different than Dean's (eventual) position. He voted - not for imminent threats, unilateralism, regime change, or pre-emption - but to hold Saddam Hussein accountable to a full disarmament. One month later, Blix and UNMOVIC were on the ground.
3)Kerry makes sound decisions based on the facts at hand. I'm sorry if they don't fit on a bumperstick for you to figure them out, but the stakes are too high to leave such decisions to on-the-job training. If Bush, like Dean, had followed Kerry's prescription, the events of the last year would be very different (except Dean would have been a blip by now).
Unlike Dean's waffle from containment to disarmament, Kerry's position has been consistent since 1997. He supported disarmament multilaterally if possible, unilaterally if no other choice. Is that too much
nuance for you?
4)You continue to pretend that Kerry voted out of expediency, when I have given unequivocal evidence that his vote was entirely consistent with his beliefs for several years. Where I come from, that's called "lying."
5)Speaking of duped by a dope, let's see if your beloved leader pulled a fast one on you. Name these quotes:
"Oh, well, I tend to believe the President."
"I believe we were misled."
"The fact is you can't afford to be misled if you are running for president of the United States."
If you answered Howard Dean, you may have already won!
