"The first of six televised debates sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee, this one was staged with a Spanish accent in a Southwestern state holding one of the earliest caucuses. New Mexico's is Feb. 3.
As part of the party's outreach to Hispanic voters, the 90-minute show included some questions in Spanish. It will be aired -- with the candidates' words translated -- on Univision affiliates nationwide at 11 a.m. Saturday.
Few of the party's candidates are comfortable speaking Spanish, however.
Kucinich spun a few brief phrases fairly easily, but Lieberman stumbled through some Spanish words. Dean, who learned Spanish as a teenager working one summer on a cattle ranch in Florida, reeled off the longest phrase in quick and deftly accented Spanish as he spoke of a need for universal health care.
"The president goes around the country speaking Spanish," Edwards said. "The only Spanish he speaks when it comes to jobs is, 'Hasta la vista.' ",0,7922001.story?coll=orl-home-headlines