Edited on Sat Sep-06-03 12:41 PM by Nicholas_J
It has been the media, for the most part, who made George W. Bush during the elections, and have kept him in place until recently.
All DU criticises the media a being right wing media whore when they back Bush to the hilt.
Then when they start to go after a Dem candidate, you deny it is actually happenning.
Positive Dean coverage in the media has been the norm for the last six months.
When it starts to turn ugly, Dean supporters go into denial.
In less than a week, Dean has begun to be slammed in all forms of the media, newspaper, magazines, television. And it is not longer just the progressive media in which you see it happening. The mainstream media is starting to pick up on whst the progressive media has been stating about Dean a great deal for the last two years, and for a good part of the last eleven years.
That Dean is a political opportunist. They are furious about Deans misleading early campaigning, giving the illusion of liberalism, sort of a Bill Clinton from New England, when in fact Dean is trying to move away from that when in order to move back towards the center, he has to do a good deal of flip flopping on his earlier position.
The press and the other media can be terribly unforgiving of politicians who behave this way, and they are not going to make the excuses for Dean changes in stance that Dean has. They are NOT goint to call it evolution, they are going to indicate that his changes of stance do not come from a sincere stance, but from politically craven behavior.
I have been stating for over eight months that this is EXACTLY what would happen to Den in the media, while for all of those eight months Dean supporter have been stating I was completely wrong and it would NEVER happen. Well its going to no only happen, but it is simply going to continually get worse.
Once Clinton was the candidate, before he was even elected, the media was on issue like Genifer Flowers and other things about his personal life, but demos are rather forgiving about personal life. What they absoltely are not forgiving about is a political lie. And even wen he lied on the stand about his personal life, while it affected some dem decisions for 2000, even a lie about ones political life does not effect their opinions about the cnadaites as much. Bur one thing most dems are absolutely UNFORGIVING about is a political lie, and Dean has been caught in several of those already. The next thing they are obviously unforgiving about is siding with republicans on critical legislation, and Dean did this for ten years as governor.
Those who were most angry about the Democratic Party, the DLC and its move towards the center formed the Green Party, a rather small party with less than five percent of the populations support.
On the other hand Dean policies in Vermont drove a far larger percentage of Vermonts population away from the democratic part to another party dissatisfied with what they viewed not as Deans centrism, but his conservatism, and by the time Anthony Pollina Progressive Candidate ran, he drew TEN PERCENT of the Demcratic Party Vote to his platform. A far greater accomplishment than Naders 2000 run for president. This message being that Deans conservatism is far greater than the DLC's move to the Center. Dean is NOT the candidates to undo the DLC's so called conciliation to the right. Dean record as governor is as a solid right wing of the democratic party candidate, far right, so far right he it simply the wrong candidate.