It's not so much what you do to stop guns but what you do to stop the NRA. Like in my state of Texas, it's very pro-gun obviously, but Ann Richards pocket-vetoed the concealed weapons law while Governor Dubya signed it. Clinton's record is summed up better here: the link:
Bill Clinton has been battling the gun lobby since he governed Arkansas.
For Bill Clinton, gun control is a longstanding moral issue — and one he takes personally. From his days as governor of Arkansas, he and the National Rifle Association have sniped at each other, trading threats and vetoes.
As the story goes, an NRA lobbyist once confronted Mr. Clinton in the hallway of the Arkansas Capitol, delivering a “not very veiled threat” that unless the governor signed NRA-backed legislation, the group would make it difficult for him when he ran for president. Angered, Clinton responded: “You don’t get it. It’s a bad bill,” and then vetoed it, according to former White House aide Paul Begala.Arkansas may have lax gun laws that Clinton didn't do much about but he was no NRA lackey.