Most Deanies know Mathew Gross's role in the Dean campaign. This article has a bit on insight on the man behind the keyboard.
So it was that Mathew Gross, 31, former rock band drummer, Colorado River boatman, and environmental studies graduate student, became the blogmaster of the Howard Dean for President operation -- before the Dean campaign developed its tech-savvy reputation, before Dean's "Blog for America" even existed.
"I literally one day decided I should come out here," Gross said one midsummer afternoon in campaign manager Joe Trippi's empty office, a few feet from Kasey, the campaign dog, who lay supine on the couch. In late February, he bought himself a plane ticket to Burlington and became one of the legions of aides who toil in relative obscurity to make the campaign process work: answering phones, licking stamps, writing policy documents. He wrote a renegade memo to Trippi and his then-co-manager, proposing that the Dean campaign get a blog of its own.
It turned out that Trippi knew about blogs, followed, and liked the idea of an interactive, real-time Web presence. So Gross moved to Burlington for good and started to set things up. Early postings were fairly official. Eventually, things got breezier; in June, the staff posted a picture of Trippi, on his birthday, in a dunking booth.
Now, every campaign has a blog, it seems, and Dean's, which once had 3,000 readers, gets 30,000 visitors a day.