Maryland Officials Endorse Gov. Howard Dean
Tuesday September 9, 2003
By: Press Office
Elected Officials Join some 6,000 Maryland Volunteers in "People-Powered" Grassroots Campaign (September 9, 2003)
COLLEGE PARK, MD Last night at a rally in College Park, nearly five months before the primary season begins, Presidential candidate Governor Howard Dean received the endorsements of 35 elected officials from across the State of Maryland.
"The reasons we have all these endorsements are simple - Governor Howard Dean's frank style and his positions on the critical issues of our time," said Terry Lierman, Maryland for Dean Coordinator and national finance co-chair. "He has drawn not just tremendous grassroots support in Maryland and across America but, the elected leaders closest to the people are enthusiastic as well."
Nearly 6,000 Marylanders have already registered as volunteers at joining over 350,000 who have registered nationwide for the campaign they've come to know as "People-Powered Howard."
"Howard Dean has attracted devotion from across the spectrum it is diverse, broad and deep and the more people who discover what his presidency will mean to every American from every walk of life, the more support he gets," says Maryland Del. Kurt Anderson of Baltimore City.
"He speaks to an America that is just, inclusive and common sense and that resonates will everyone, especially those in the Latino community," says Maryland Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez of Montgomery County.
"There has never been another Democrat who has had this much grassroots support in any campaign in American history," says Maryland Del. Peter Franchot, an early supporter of Gov. Dean who is co-coordinating the endorsement process in Maryland.
"This support continues to grow at a rapid pace and while that mean votes, it also means campaign contributions and almost unlimited buzz the energy it takes to win," says Walter Ludwig, Maryland for Dean Co-Coordinator.
Maryland Electeds Endorsing Gov. Howard Dean
Hon. Curt Anderson, State Delegate from Baltimore City.
Hon. Margo G. Bailey, Mayor of Chestertown, Eastern Shore.
Hon Elizabeth Bobo, State Delegate, Howard County, former County Executive.
Hon. Bill Bronrott, Delegate from Montgomery County
Hon. Thomas Dernoga, County Council, Prince Georges County.
Hon. Kathleen Dumais, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Marc Elrich, City Council, Takoma Park.
Hon. Brian Feldman, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Peter Franchot, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Brian Frosh, State Senator, Montgomery County.
Hon. John Giannetti, State Senator, Prince Georges County.
Hon. Marilyn Goldwater, State Delegate from Montgomery County.
Hon. Ana Sol Gutierrez, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Sue Hecht, Washington County, Vice-Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party and former State Delegate.
Hon. Mary-Dulany James, State Delegate, Harford County.
Hon, Scott Jensen, City Council, city of Easton.
Hon. Ed Kasemeyer, State Senator, Howard County.
Hon. Brian Knedler, Mayor Mt. Ranier
Hon. Joy Austin Lane, City Council member, Tacoma Park
Hon. Susan Lee, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. George Leventhal, County Councilman, Montgomery County.
Hon. Rich Madaleno, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Melinda Miles, City Council member, Mt. Rainier.
Hon. Karen S. Montgomery, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Salima Marriot, State Delegate.
Hon. Gareth Murray, State Delegate, Montgomery County.
Hon. Doyle Niemann, State Delegate, Prince Georges County.
Hon. Obie Patterson, State Delegate, Prince Georges County.
Hon. Wendell Phillips, former State Delegate, Baltimore City.
Hon. Kathy Porter, Mayor, Takoma Park.
Hon. Victor Ramirez, State Delegate, Prince Georges County.
Hon. Justin Ross, State Delegate, Prince Georges County.
Hon. Michael Subin, President Montgomery County Council.
Hon. Kurt Schmoke, Dean of Howard University Law School, former 3-term Mayor of Baltimore.
Hon. Bruce Williams, City Council, Takoma Park.