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Reason #1787 to Vote for Carol Moseley Braun: Patriotism

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gottaB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 09:20 AM
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Reason #1787 to Vote for Carol Moseley Braun: Patriotism
The other day in GD I submitted some musings about Deborah Samson Gannett. There was a subtext. In a nutshell: Braun is a genuine patriot whose campaign embodies the best traditions and aspirations of America.

To anybody who says a woman can't be strong on defense of this country, I don't merely point to the many nations who have elected female leaders. I can also say, "What about Deborah Samson? Didn't she fight to defend our freedom?" To anybody who says Whites won't follow a Black leader, I don't mereley point to Nelson Mandela or Kofi Annan. I can also say, "What about Crispus Attucks? Didn't he lead the nation to freedom?" Because in essence, if this country doesn't belong to all of us, it doesn't truly belong to any of us.

From the Debates you've probably heard Braun say a few words on Patriotism. You might know that her campaign is about rebuilding America, about restoring hope, about a physical and spiritual renewal--and no, by "spiritual" she doesn't mean that we need to replace one fundamnetalist regime with another; she's talking about the spirit of America, the belief that when government respects the innate dignity and potential of each and every citizen, we all prosper. As she told Moveon:
I want to rebuild America spiritually by restoring confidence that the American dream is not some relic of the past, and that my generation will leave no less liberty, no less opportunity, no less hope than we inherited from the last generation. I want to bring Americans together and nurture community, so that we can get beyond racism and sexism and discriminations based on anything other than capacity. I want to "move on" beyond the pandering to fear that this administration has adopted to provide security and law enforcement for the American people that builds on our relationships around the world. Our leadership should proceed from our values as a people, and if we come together, we can tackle the global challenges of poverty, terrorism, and the environment. I want to lead America to a renewal that will put us back on an optimistic path. Please join our grassroots effort to change this country's direction, and to make history by extending the prospect of leadership to women.

More succintly, she reminded the Washington Post (in the course of reminding them that the only unqualified candidate in 2004 is George Bush), "I want to put this country back on the path toward peace, prosperity and progress and repair the damage done by the incumbent administration."

Her campaign from the very beginning has carried this message. Addressing the DNC in February, she said:
My campaign will be a people's campaign. We will listen to everyday people, we will register voters, we will mobilize those who perhaps have questioned the relevance of this process. We will give voice to the hopes and aspirations, to the hearts and minds of citizens whose patriotism moves them to ask the hard questions about our country's direction.

Peace, Prosperity and Progress can be ours again when we remember that in a democracy, power rests in the people, and when we unite for the good of our country we cannot fail--We never have and we never will.

Ours is the greatest nation in the world not because we have the biggest military or the most money. America's greatness lies in the spirit of her people. That spirit of hope defines and undergirds the American Dream. Now is the time for Democrats to renew hope that we will leave that Dream for the next generation in even better shape than we found it. And a woman can lead the way.

read more here

To Dems in California she said:
It is time for Democrats.

Thank you, delegates, for your service and your patriotism, and for all you do to build this Democratic Party into a force for good in our country.

Your activism will inspire a rebirth of confidence across this country that the American dream still lives, and that hope abides at the heart of our national character. Thank you for this opportunity to share with you.

I am the only candidate in this race for your nomination who brings together the very heart and soul of the Democratic Party. I want to bring Democrats together to reclaim the White House, and I want to bring Americans together to reclaim our country. We are the patriots, and we're going to take our country back.

read more here

Okay, you get the picture. But, you may wonder, what about "special interests"? What about identity politics in the Democratic party? Isn't that divisive? No, it isn't. Carol doesn't play that. Read her President's Day Address to American Women Presidents. Read
her speech to Roosevelt students entitled "Giving Life to Declaration of Intent: A Call to Citizenship." Wherever Carol goes, whomever she addresses, she calls upon our patriotism.

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gottaB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 03:18 AM
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1. Kicking because some dodohead criticized Braun for being "pc"
Because she subsitituted "ancestors" for "forefathers" in the Baltimore debate. Ahem.

Dodohead's story here.
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catzies Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 11:21 AM
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2. GottaB, thank you for bringing us CMB updates.
Of the many things I care about in the political arena, bringing elected women to gender parity is at the top.
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