Was that he dropped out of the Clean Money fund and took millions from the party, approved by the DLC.
Dean nearly lost that election, as he only came out with barely 50 percent of the votes.
Had Dean not used scare tactics with gays, he would not have gotten the 50 percent of the vote the state requires, and the Legislature would have decided by secret ballot:
Dean did this in an OITM interview:
There are a number of Democrats and a number of Catholics who I have lost the support of, and I need to get that support back. The biggest problem for me (in November) is (Progressive) Anthony (Pollina). Anthony is going to take votes away from me and he’s not going to take any votes away from (Republican) Ruth (Dwyer). So actually the better he does, the more likely it is that Ruth Dwyer is going to be Governor.
OITM: Do you plan to attend Vermont’s Gay Pride celebration on June 17?
Dean: I’ve never attended Gay Pride because it always coincides with a big soccer tournament that my kids are in. They always invite me, and I always say no because it is always the day of the Tom Lawson tournament.
http://www.mountainpridemedia.org/jun2000/news06_dean%20.htmAnd a letter to the editor in the same journal accuses Dena of using scare tactics to get gays to vote for him, rather than tha candidates most gays preferred, Anthony Pollina:
Dean support off base
I am writing to express my deep disappointment in the recent fundraising letter from Vermonters for Civil Unions, Inc. effectively endorsing Governor Howard Dean in his bid for reelection. Their call to make qualifying contributions to Dean’s campaign smacks of pandering and a desire to maintain the privilege of the few rather then seek justice for all...
Governor Dean signed the bill because he knew that he had no choice – he was locked in because he said on day one that he did not support gay marriage but did support domestic partnerships. If Dean could have avoided this issue, he would have. Let us not kid ourselves.
If the people running Vermonters for Civil Unions want to pander to Governor Dean so they can retain access to the “man in charge,” so be it. But I will not support this travesty – I will work to smash the patriarchy and the privilege that goes with it. Then, and only then, will all people live in honor and dignity.
Governor Dean has proven that he’ll only support us when he’s trapped or it’s convenient. For example, his recent interview with OITM where he virtually begged the queer community to support him over Anthony Pollina is simple, pathetic fear-mongering. He feels trapped and he comes to us for help. It’s truly depressing to see the privileged elites of the GLBT community and the privileged elites of the Democratic Party falling all over themselves in an effort to suck up to one another. The Governor should be ashamed of himself for attempting to scare queer folk and progressives into voting for him.
http://www.mountainpridemedia.org/jul2000/letters.htmAs a result, Dean barely won, just getting the required fifty percent by a few hundred votes. It was simply the worse showing he ever had, and it required Dean to beg the DLC to give him toms of money as it appeard that Dean was going to lose.
Dean drew support from about three in 10 civil union opponents. Among them, he did his best with voters who chose health care, education or the economy and jobs as their top issues, picking up about a third of each group.
Progressive gubernatorial candidate Anthony Pollina - who some Democrats feared could pull enough votes from Dean to throw the race to Republican Ruth Dwyer, was polling in the high single digits. His support appeared to be smaller than the gap between Dean and Dwyer.
http://www.rutlandherald.com/election2000/elec_night/exit.htmlPollina was barely pulling six percent votes the month before the election, but took ten percent in the election.
What we're seeing here is the beginning of a very, very successful Progressive Party," he said.
Despite being outspent by his major party opponents, Pollina said he was able to frame issues that resonated with voters.
"I was the candidate who they said won the debates. I was the candidate who stuck to the issues," he said. "I was the candidate who changed people's minds."
Polls throughout the campaign showed Pollina, a former lobbyist with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, likely to garner 6 percent of the vote.
As preliminary results showed his returns nudging 10 percent, Pollina said a double-digit total would be a victory for a new third party in a three-way race, particularly when many of his potential liberal Democratic supporters were worried about Dwyer.
http://www.rutlandherald.com/election2000/elec_night/prog.htmlPollina pulled far more votes from Dean than anyone imagined possible.
If Dean did not have a large bloc of REPUBLICANS supporting him, Dean would have lost his last election.