Did Bush get a bump in the polls after 9/11 this year?
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Mon Sep-15-03 06:51 AM
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Did Bush get a bump in the polls after 9/11 this year? |
I'm guessing he did get a bounce in favorability polls because of all the patriotic flag waving going on all the news channels. Plus the fact that something like 70% of people polled think Saddam had a part in the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.
The bigger question is how much bounce will he get next year prior to the election? You just know the repubs are going to pull out all the stops to get Bush as much limelight as possible.
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:41 AM
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And he actually went down 6-7 points after his speech and that piece of science fiction on Showtime Sunday. Oh, wait, science fiction has to be PLAUSIBLE ;-)
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Mon Sep-15-03 09:42 AM
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They seem to have gone down. That request for 87 billion and the ensuing violence in Iraq is unveiling the reality of what they have created. Hopefuly BushCo has plaid it's last card and peoples eyes are finally open.
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Mon Sep-15-03 10:08 AM
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3. On the contrary. In NY the headlines were killing him |
"Se ya Later, NY" and "WH mislead NY on the 9.11 air". Here people re fuming. I doubt they are much happier elsewhere.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:55 AM
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