from The Hartford Courant
Lieberman Takes Campaign To N.H.The candidate kicks off a blitz by lacing into Bush on the economy, the environment and affordable housingMANCHESTER, N.H. -- In a crucial state where his presidential campaign has been noticeably sagging, U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman kicked off his "Liebermania" blitz Sunday by ripping into President Bush on everything from the economy to the environment to affordable housing.
Lieberman criticized the president in the Granite State less than five months before the key Democratic presidential primary, at a time when polls show him placing third behind former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and U.S. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.
But in his first town hall meeting in the state Sunday night, Lieberman never once mentioned Dean or Kerry. Instead, he aimed all his political firepower against George W. Bush, saying that the rich have gotten too many tax cuts and the poor are becoming increasingly homeless.
"I've been lucky enough to live the American dream, and under George Bush, the American dream has been slipping away from too many Americans," Lieberman told an audience of more than 250 that encircled him in a downtown Manchester hall. "I'm running for president to bring the American dream back alive for Americans."
Libermania in New Hampshire? He can't even get it going in Connecticut.